xxxv. when the galaxy dies

Start from the beginning

"Hold on," he says, rolling his eyes.

Zoya's brows raise. "What are you guys doing?"

"Arm wrestling," he says. "We have a bet."

"I want to bet!" she exclaims, stepping away from Din's hand and over to where Cara sits at a narrow table, placing the child down carefully into an empty crate, smiling down at him as he coos softly. "Who's betting on who?"

"Obviously, Mando and I are betting on ourselves," Cara says.

"And I'm not betting," Kuiil chimes in from where he stands near the Blurrgs, who rest on the other side of a rope barrier.

Zoya leans against the wall. "I think it's obvious who I'm betting on." Din looks up at her hopefully, but she shakes her head. "Nope. Cara's got my vote. She'll kick your ass."

"Thanks," he grumbles, dropping down into the seat across from the ex-shock trooper with a disgruntled huff.

Zoya snorts. "You're such a baby."

Refusing to acknowledge her comment, Din sets his elbow on the table, extending his fingers. A smirk quirks Cara's mouth, and she mirrors his position, gripping his hand. They both look to Zoya for her mark.

"Ready . . . now!"

Immediately, they begin, arms tensing and faces contorting with concentration and effort. They're evenly matched; their joined hands don't move an inch for a few seconds. A couple grunts fall from Din's lips as Cara gains some ground.

"I got you, Mando," she grits out.

"Care to double the bet?" he returns.

Zoya stares at their locked hands. "Come on, someone win already."

"It's only been like five seconds," Din pants.

"Four seconds too long," Zoya says, picking at her nails. "Cara, I thought you'd take him out quicker than this."

Cara opens her mouth to retort, but it never makes it past her lips. Her eyes fill with something that looks like fear, and she releases Din's hand abruptly, fingers rising to clutch at her throat as she chokes on air. The smile slides from Zoya's face in a split second, and something cold and empty seizes her heart.

"Cara?" She jumps forward, eyes wide, panic pulling amber hues into her voice. "What the hell is going on? D—Mando? Is she okay?"

Din stares at the ex-shock trooper for a dumbfounded moment, unable to respond to Zoya's question, until his gaze darts to the child. He almost looks away, then jerks his eyes back onto the claw the creature's tiny fingers curl into the air, and the rage contorting his round, typically sweet face.

"No!" he shouts, diving forward. "No, no! Stop!" He grabs the child, shaking it slightly. "We're friends, we're friends. Cara is my friend!" The baby relaxes his fingers, looking up at Din with confusion on his features.

Cara collapses back into her chair, coughing, and Zoya's at her side in an instant. "Holy shit. Holy shit."

"That is not okay!" Cara chokes out.

"Are you all right?" Zoya asks, ducking her head to inspect Cara's throat.

The other woman nods, wincing a little. "I think so."

Kuiil steps up behind the child, looking at it quietly, the wrinkles lining his face deepening with thought. The goggles on his forehead reflect the Razor Crest's lights, giving him the illusion of have two extra eyes. "Hmm," he muses, rough voice grating in the thick silence coating the room. "Very curious."

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