They began to take part in other fun activities. They were reliving their childhood moments.


Theresa tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. She glanced around waiting for a taxi at the side of the road. She was done with her work and was ready to relax.

Two minutes later,still no taxi.
*Why me? Just why? To the ignorant earth, it is my birthday*

"Hey!" Theresa heard a person call. She turned around to see an exuberant Kelvin waving at her. He was standing at the entrance of the R&L company.

Theresa smiled and walked up to him.

"Nice to see you here" she greeted taking steps towards him. "What a coincidence!" She added.

"Oh no!It's not. I actually planned of giving my charming friend a special Treatment today" he said.

She smiled. "That's nice"

"Firstly..." he wrapped his arms around Theresa and pulled her into a bear hug.

"And secondly, we are heading to your kingdom" he added,his arms still wrapped around her.

"And where is that place?" She teased.

He threw his arms in the air, "Seriously, do I have to remind you?" he asked curtly.

Theresa frowned, "Excuse you but is that how to treat a person?"

He shook his index finger at her, "Using my words against me"

She flipped her hair and winked. "I'm your queen. Bow before me!"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"To the chariot, your highness!" he gestured to the black car parked at a corner.

She nodded and sashayed there.

*This feels right. I wonder what Thelma is doing. She is the one who loves being a royalty. Sorry, a goody-two-shoe royalty. I would rather be an ice queen with so much dominating power. I would love to rule the world. Prepare to see the real me in action*

Theresa,as the author I am already freaking out. Pls for the reader's sake, keep your evil plans to yourself.

*Am I the one that told you to read my thoughts. Pttf! Delete it if you want. You can't hid the real me forever*

Sorry, this is not intentional. Characters! They got a mind of their own.

Now back to the story.

*You could have wasted more time ~hisses~*

Are you mad at me ?

*Read your story and tell me why I shouldn't? Thelma is the only important person,right?*

No! It's not like that!

*Keep the excuse to yourself*

Rude much!

As I was saying before that ... Interrupted....

Okay, so Theresa was seated in the car typing rapidly on her phone. She had millions of birthday wishes from followers that needed to be replied.

*At least they care!! Not like.. You know the rest!! *

"We are here!" Kelvin sang out.

She arched an eyebrow at him. He shrugged.They got out of the car.

"Oh my! The mall!" She shrieked.

"Duh? Where else?The bookstore?" He retorted.
"I know my friend quite well".

Contradicting Twins Love {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now