Chapter 34: Loss

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Rey's POV:

I woke up to realize I was in our room in the horrendous Rebel base. "Seth!" I scream. "Yes, my love?" He asks. "What is this?" I gesture to my surroundings. "You've been out for the past couple days dear and I had to come here for business with Hux. I brought you with me..." He hisses as he pulls me close to him until I'm sitting on his lap as he plants several kisses down my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine, "...because I didn't trust anyone else to care for you as I do." He continues as he tilts my head up and forces me to look at him. At that moment something inside me didn't feel right. It was like the force was pulling me one way and my body wasn't willing to answer, I don't like it. "Dear, let me help you with your work so we can get away from these scum faster. I don't like being here makes and how it makes me feel." I snicker. He lets go of me and he guides me by the arm out of the room to head to work. "Are you sure you are ready dear?" He whispers to my ear, I can feel the smile on his lips. "Do not underestimate me, if you do, that will be your downfall," I whisper back while digging my nails into his arm knowing that the pain causes him pleasure.

Finn's POV:

I was making my rounds around the base when I saw Rose's ship coming into dock. I rush out to meet it knowing exactly who's on that ship. When I get to the ship I see Ben rushing out of it and quickly grab him by the arm. I drag him into a hallway and push him into the nearest empty room I can find that I know has no security cameras, hurry him in behind and locked the door behind me. "Sorry for the rude greeting but we need to talk, now." I try to explain. "Where's Rey? What exactly have they done to her? And what the hell is going on!?" He demands. The man standing before me reminds of Kylo Ren for a brief moment until I sense his fear and anxiety through the force more than his anger. I totally understand how the poor man feels. "First of all.." I pull one of the syringes from my pocket and proceed to inject him with its contents, "You're going to thank me for that in a couple of minutes." I can feel the anger quickly rising in him as well as his impatiens. "What was it?" He asks with an angry but confused look on his face. "Anti-anxiety medication, don't worry it's just a cocktail of different herbs. It should help you calm down and think more clearly here in a moment, at least that's what it does for me." I explain as I jester to a chair asking him to sit. After we both sit down you can physically tell Ben is starting to relax again. I slowly start to calm down as well knowing it will be easier to talk to him now. "To answer your questions the short way: the Final Order is testing a new drug on Poe and Rey designed to control their perspective and actions which I assume you already know, they plan on using this drug on the masses in order to take over the galaxy. Rey has had a bracelet placed on her designed to silence the bond between you and her so she is easier to control, they have forcibly taken and killed your guy's child I'm sorry to say." I pause for a moment allowing him to process what I have just said. At this information, I saw something I thought I would never see. I watch Ben as he starts to cry and I can't help but feel bad for the guy. "I hoped that was all a terrible nightmare... I hoped it wasn't true... Even though deep down... I knew it was..." He explains in between sobs. I watch him for a while as he mourns the loss of his child, not wanting to burden him with any more bad news. "You're hiding something... I can feel it. What could be worse than what you have already told me?" He asks as his cries of pain and sorrow begin to slow down. "Rey's reprogramming, for lack of better words, has forcibly changed her to the Darkside. She talks and acts like how you once did but still worse in some ways. She talks all the time about killing you and making you pay for what you've done to her child. It's a scary sight to watch. On top of that, the man who actually killed your child is now masquerading around as her loving husband." I watch Ben break down even more and cry yet again but this time for the love he feels for the girl he once called his enemy.

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