Chapter 2

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"Is she dead?"

"No look... I think she just moved."

"Oh man... Usually it's Richie who brings back drunk ladies here."

"Don't you dare say this in his presence David, or he'll throw a tantrum again."

You heard strangled laughs. It felt like your consciousness was 100% there, but your body didn't respond. Where were you? What happened? Your latest memory was you in your aunt's laboratory. Then bribes of you travelling in time and knocking at someone's door appeared, but it couldn't be real... Could it?

You slowly opened your eyes to see the blurry, at first, place you were in. You were on a couch, and your members hurt a bit, like the morning after a huge sport session. You felt something heavy on your forehead; something cold. It soothed you and you noticed your headache left. Your position was very comfortable, and you had to force yourself to not fall asleep again. You stirred and turned your face to the right to see two pairs of eyes studying you.

You suddenly sat in the couch. The cold cloth that was on your head fell on the floor in a loud thud. In front of you, sat on a living room table, two blond men. And you knew them. Of course, you knew them. The reality of the far, blurry memory that you associated not even two minutes ago to a dream hit you.

Maybe a minute of silence of eyeing each other passed, and one of the men stood and presented his hand to you: "Hi, I'm Jo-"

"Where are your toilets?" He looked at you in surprise. When he got up, you thoughtlessly followed his movement and did stand too; due to the proximity of the table and the couch, your faces were some centimetres away only.

His eyes widened; "Oh uh... It is at the end of the corridor. Do you-"

You turned, brushing his body in your movement and nearly hit the second man who was still sat with your legs when you walked past him; the blanket that was on your body fell in a stuffy puddle at your feet and you nearly tripped in it in your hurry. You heard one of them mumble something, flew through the corridor and locked yourself in the bathroom in the blink of an eye.


Jon's POV

"Man, what the fuck was that?"

"What? She seems lost that's all. You never woke up after a rough night or what?"

David frowned, not convinced by his roommate but didn't carry on. He didn't move; Jon picked up the blanket and went to the kitchen.

The last hour of his day had sure been uncommon. He had a maintenance job in a recording studio, and David in a shop. Today, they both had a day off, and planned to finish writing two or three songs by the end of the day. At a moment, someone rang the bell; and there she was, the girl who just locked herself in their bathroom, standing at his doorframe. At first, he thought it was another junkie who knocked at the wrong apartment. She was dishevelled and seemed lost. But something prevented him to close the door at her face, thing he usually did in those cases. He was about to ask her if she needed help when she opened her mouth... and fainted. He luckily caught her before she fell on the floor and brought her on the couch.

He smiled to himself. Van Halen. Maybe it was because the girl wore a Van Halen t-shirt that he didn't close the door directly.


You pinched the bridge of your nose. It felt like your life escaped you completely, and you didn't like that at all. You mindlessly put your hand on your pocket and felt a paper.

The first page of the newspaper.

You unfolded it, not really knowing what you wanted to see. And there it was. The date. The bloody date.

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