2: Cloud City

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II: Cloud City

They had arrived three days prior to the party. They each had a suitcase packed with clothing. They were going to start dancing lessons today. That was the plan, Leia had told Luke on the way to the boarding zone. 

Leia and Luke managed to get a nice suit for him to try on. It was dark blue, matching his eyes and it looked good on him, Leia had prepared a long purple dress that sparkled and Han...he had a suit prepared too, but still wore his white shirt and leather vest everywhere he went. Chewbacca even combed out his fur. The sky is painted pink and orange with the white fluffy clouds surrounding the area.

"You ready kid?" Han asked him, Luke can barely look him in the eye anymore. Those brown eyes, flecks of gold and white, dark brown eyes like the forest trees and a smile whiter than snow...No wonder Leia had fallen for him.

"I don't think lessons are necessary." Luke said, they decided to bring R2-D2 and C-3PO along with them on the trip because, after all, they were their friends. Lando greeted them with a hug and a smile. He guided them to their guest room, it was large, fancy and modern. They put down their bags, "Luke get changed into your suit." Leia instructed him.

"Why?" he asked, almost whining.

"You need to practice dancing in it."

"Fine." he groans, unzipping his case and pulling out his dark blue suit. He goes to his bedroom and gets dressed, comes out and fixes himself, he froze. Han was in a sleek black suit and tie. He looked good. Handsome. Luke had no words, he paused before he could finally speak and take his eyes off Han. "Why are you dressed up?" Luke asked, trying not to stutter. He felt flustered. "Practice." Han smiled.

"Wouldn't it make sense if I danced with Leia?" Luke said, shuffling closer to him. Chewbacca signalled R2 to play the music, it was slow and orchestral. Not something Luke was used to by now. 

"Well you have to practice being a gentleman." he told the young jedi. 

Luke scoffed, "I'm a better gentleman than you," he teased. Han raised an eyebrow, Leia chuckled on the other side of the room. 

"Oh, really? Now give us some proper courtesy, gentleman." Han told him, waiting for Luke to take his hand and kiss or, bow or do something. He took a breath and mentally cringed before bowing before Han. 

"Good." Han smiled "eye contact though when you rise." he nodded shyly. Eye contact? The one time he needs to stare at Han... Leia couldn't stop laughing, making Luke more embarrassed than he already is.

"Stick out your hand." the smuggler commanded with a grin, Luke stuck out his hand shakily and Han took it. A chill went down his spine. He looked up and met his eyes. "Don't be nervous." he reassured him. Han looked into his dark blue eyes, making the blonde blush.

The music got louder as they did a simple step-by-step dance, holding each other's hands as they stepped to the music. Luke's heart was racing, Han has no idea what he does to him. That flutter, that feeling. Luke could scarcely make eye contact, or concentrate on his surroundings. The feeling of their skin touching, hearing his breathing, he could smell his cologne...his voice up close was angelic. His chest tightened when they made eye contact again.

It was a lot all at once. When the song ended, he sat down. His head, spinning. Heart, racing. "You did great, Luke." Leia told him, wrapping him in a hug. Luke went pale, all the sounds were muffled, all he could think about was Han. His smile, his eyes. Everything. Han was polluting his mind. It was slowly eating Luke alive.

"You alright, kid? You don't look so good."

Luke nods in reply, going to his room to change. He locks the door and starts breathing. How did this happen? There was a burning feeling coursing throughout his body, not the Force. But a feeling. Passion. Like flares raging in him, begging to be free. He puts his ear against the door and hears Leia and Han laughing, he sunk to his knees. His flares would be turned to ash soon if he's not careful.

C-3PO knocks on his door. "Are you okay Master Luke?"

Luke stands and starts changing "I'm fine," he replies, swallowing back the realisation. He was truly in love with Han.

Dinner was great, better than any other meal they have tasted. Luke stole glances from across the room as the chatter started rising. Han was chatting to Leia at their end of the table. Han did adore the kid, he was a strong fighter who did his best. 

Maybe Luke doesn't see that? He's always a bit shy around social situations and constantly puts himself in danger for others. He was a hero. Han's hero.(The galaxy's hero too) "Master Luke?" C-3PO addressed him, noticing his master's nervousness from earlier.

"Hey 3PO," Luke replied.

"You seem nervous, is everything okay?" Luke nods in response, running a hand through his blonde hair. He looks over to see Han, his smile...A smile that he knew that Han would never give him. Those smiles that were only reserved for his sister, Leia. Those bright ones that raise his cheeks and give a shade of pink to his face and his eyes widen in joy. 

He bit his lip and looked to the ground. Leia notices this odd vibe from her twin brother. "I'll be right back," she tells Han and gets out of her chair and goes to the other end of the table. She puts a hand on his shoulder, "are you okay, Luke?" she asks, she sits down next to him.

"Leia I'm fine," he said, he's trying to digest it all in. He liked boys. He liked Han. "Luke," she said sternly "I know when something is up." she said, rubbing his back "you're nervous."

"I'm not." he replied angrily. "Leia, I just want to be alone!" he cried, burying his face in his hands. "I'm here for you." Leia reassured him "because I'm your sister." Luke watched her walk away, he stood up and went to his room. He felt heavy. He felt like crying. He looked to the floor with his droid friends following him. He closed the door and flopped down on the bed. His heart is falling into a million pieces. He groans into his pillow, R2-D2 and C-3PO enter his room. "Master Luke?"

"Tell everyone to stay away!" he cried angrily, tears falling from his eyes. Luke used the Force to close the door brutally. He felt a little better, silence...in the darkness. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. He wanted to feel Han's lips on his, their bodies touching and holding each other. He wanted it so badly, he got choked up and tears started falling from his face. This was going to be a long night.

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