The announcement

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¡The king has order that every male older than 18 from this town presents himself tomorrow in the train field to train for the honor of going to war to defend our lands! If someone neglects this announcement...his entire family would be put to death and shame.

- That was what I heard this morning. Hi, my name is Andrea Pavlov, I am 24 years old and I am the only daughter of Bella and Dreki Pavlov. My father is a retired sargent and my mother is a housewife. I was buying vegetables when I heard the announce.

- Andrea..what are you gonna do? your father is too old to go the battle field, but if he does not go you are going to die.

That was my friend Tomas. we have been friends since forever and we are really close. You would say that we are in the wrong bodies. I am a girl, but between the two I am more like a boy. Being the daughter of a sargent, I am fisically fit, I know how to handle a variety of guns, including the bow, the sword, spiers, etc. I can perfectly ride a horse and my father trained me in self-defence techniques. You could say I am a tomboy. On the other hand, Tomas is litterature teacher, you can guess he doesn't know anything about physical activities.

- I dont know Tomas but I have to figure something out pretty soon.


Alpha! everything is ready, the humans have sent the anouncement troughout the town and every male will be here by dawn.

Thank you Drake. Have they already sent what had been pacted? -I asked my beta, Drake.

-Yes alpha. The money is complete.

-Good. You can go Drake.

Let me explain what is happening here, my name is Mika Volkov the alpha of the Black Pack. We have been offering our services to the humans for centuries. You may remember those "conquers" teams of history like the greecs, the vikings, the romans and so on. We have been behind them. The party that bets the most will have us backing them in training and in the battle, and obviously we garantee the victory. This time the war is between two parts of the same country: the north and south of betleem. The south has hired us and we will start the training tomorrow.

-I just hope they are not weaklings like the previous ones. Well it doesnt matter boy, Im just here for the money and for the fun of making them sweat.

That's Max, my wolf. He really likes to talk his mind and you can see his really unique. - Shut up, Max! we are taking this job as seriously as the previous ones.

- Admit it dude, you are just a wet blanket. You wouldnt have fun even if your life depended on it. Thanks God that I am here to have fun for both of us

-Yeah, Yeah..whatever you say boy. Let us see what is awaiting for us tomorrow.

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