Dancing with the devil

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Images flooded my head as I stir in my sleep. There's a house that looks as if it is built for royalty. White exterior. Black roofing. Grand landscaping. Two stories...possibly three. This house called to me. I could feel the heat of my blood rushing to my fist as I clench it so tightly as the intensity of the images increased. The next image was a shadowy figure with piercing blue eyes similar to Jackson's eyes. He's seen me. How is this possible? I should run - yeah I should run.

Then the house is up in flames as I feel chained to the floor with others screaming for help. The figure is nonchalantly walking towards me, but turns away the moment he sees my eyes glow purple. My eyes were burning in pain as the intensity of the heat increased. It almost felt like I was living out that scene in Star Wars where Anakin and Obi Wan fight in episode 3. Suddenly, I've collapsed in the long and narrow hallway with the flickering lights. A rug hugged my skin as I attempt to crawl my way out of this hell hole. My claws digging into the paisley rug, before I stared up at the man in the distance. Slowly the air was stolen away from my lungs as I started gasping for air. "Let me out!" "It's killing us! Help me! Why aren't you helping me?" Shaking in my sleep, I was paralyzed with fear.

And then minutes later someone is yanking me out of my sleep paralysis with cold hands. Tears burst out of the corners of my eyes as I am gasping for air. One hand around my neck as I try to breathe. Nothing is working. Skin feels like pins and needles as I sit up in the dead of night feeling like death. Sweat beading against my forehead before gliding down the bridge of my nose and running like a stream of water into the crevice of my lips. Salty. Another hand is on my shoulder as I inhale and exhale like a crazy person. Who woke me up?

"Hello?" No response. "Annie, is that you? Killi? K? Deucalion? Hello? This isn't funny!" I scream. The hand drifts away from my shoulder and weight seems to be lifted off of the bed. It's him. He's one of the only one that knows of my nightmares. Great! Another thing to use against me.

"What was it this time?" asked Kai who was now over by the window in the moonlight. He looked almost human-like. He's the spitting image of a younger version of Deucalion except with espresso brown eyes. And while standing in the moonlight, you see the brown eyes illuminate like never before.

Wiping the tears away from my eyes, I try to speak but nothing filters out. A strain in my voice as I attempt to answer Kassius back prevents me from doing so. Soon you hear shuffling on the floor as he leaves the moonlight behind him disappearing into the darkness. Listening to the soft nose flares, I know he hasn't left yet. Was it strange that I find it soothing that he hasn't left me alone yet? No, but I know that I shouldn't allow this. He's practically my brother in every way that counts.

"I was in a house burning and I felt like I was dying." I choked out as if the words were trying to strangle me.

"Recognize anything in the nightmare?"

"I - I - I - I don't remember. Perhaps? The shadowy figure seems to always make an appearance in my dreams. Well rather my nightmares. Except this time I saw his bright blue eyes for the first time and he saw mine which startled him. I - I -I don't know what any of the dreams mean!" I sob as I push the covers off of me. Kai moves closer to me and sits down beside me. It came as second nature to me as I turned into him and sobbed like a little baby. His hands were soft as they wrapped around me while attempting to comfort me.

His fingers danced back and forth on my arm as I nestled my head in his chest hearing his heart rapidly beating. This is our secret thing. We might hate each other, but he's the only one that knows about these paralyzing dreams. If Deucalion knew .... Well we all know he'd be highly disappointed in me not confiding in him about something like this.

"I'm sorry Charlie." Pulling away from Kai's warm embrace that smelled almost intoxicating. Intoxicating in a good way if that even makes sense. My eyes glowed iridescent purple as the moonlight peered into them.

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