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°c y r u s°

i feel so confusing after what i did to tj, it felt like i overreacted for no reason. but i had to get ready for school tomorrow and it was still slightly early so i chose to watch a few movies while i ate ice cream, feeling so guilty for what i did.

that thought was just eating me up inside and just took over my mind completely. i couldn't even concentrate watching the movie, the characters would probably say things but i'd forget them immediately, but i mean, these movies aren't old, they are pretty recent.

but anyway, i stopped watching movies and while i was getting ready for bed, my parents had walked in and i had just put on my shirt. i heard bags shuffling and i realized they must've went food shopping.

i went downstairs, greeted them and helped them with the bags. they had told me that they were going to be out of town for the weekend so they won't be back until sunday which they said that i could invite a few friends and i was going to do just that.

but, most likely not tj, and i wanted to invite amber and andi, but you know when you get amber, you get andi and tj. so i was just going to invite the two other sets of lovebirds.

after only a few minutes, they were all already here. but buffy was asleep on marty's back and walker just instantly laid on the couch. were they all tired?

"you know guys, if you guys were tired you didn't have to come,"i said.

"well no, we wanted to keep you company,"jonah said and i smiled.

"these two we had to drag here and i knew the only way to get buffy here is if she's crushing my spine,"marty said and i laughed.

"has she been very moody lately?"i asked.

"yes, so much, why?"marty asked.

"no reason...,"i trailed off. he should've left her at home, she turns into a monster around this time.

then i noticed a bag marty had to carry around with him and i noticed something that was in it.

*oh you poor child*i thought. he is going to have a long week.


now of course i thought that it was only going to be a group of friends like earlier, i couldn't have been more wrong. buffy had woken from her restless slumber and invited more people, so much so, that this hangout turned into a party.

this isn't what i wanted and the worst part is, amber and tj are here and he is going to want to talk to me. i mainly stayed in my room but then something just told me to go down there and as i was on my way, i bumped into someone.

"neil?"i asked as i got a good view of his appearance.

"hey cyrus, how've you been?"he asked.

"i'm good, how've you been?"i asked.

"good, i have a boyfriend but he couldn't make it today but i wanted to tell you that,"he replied and i smiled.

"good tj and i are... making progress,"i said and he nodded.

"ok well, i hope the best for the two of you,"he said and i smiled, pulling him into a hug and instantly pulled away as well.

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