chapter 25

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as maya walks out of the class all eyes are on me and alejandro , i look at alejandro and he rolls his eyes at me
"don't tell me your mad at me too"
"of course i am you made me cover for you while you stuck your tongue down jenna's fucking throat and now we all lost maya , she's the best thing that has ever happened to you after jenna and you know it , she cared for you and you cared for her and you messed all of it up just because you missed her sucking your dick twenty-four seven , now you've got kairi crying for the past two periods , me mad as hell , and you probably don't even care"
"i do care ale!"
"then why'd you do it huh? why'd you stick your tongue down her throat right in front of maya's locker , and make me cover for you?"
"i don't fucking know , one second i was talking to her and the next i'm making out with her"
"well maybe learn how to control your hormones you horny shit"
i walk into AP history and roll my eyes knowing i have to sit next to ale , i take my seat and the teacher starts talking
"good morning class i hope you have all had a wonderful morning so far , so today you will be working in partners to cover real life events happening now but i have assigned partners and the topics" everyone starts to complain as the teacher begins to say the partners and topics
"gabby and trevor : australia fires"
"david and hope: muslim camps"
"alejandro and maya: iran and the us government"
what the actual fuck , i don't want to work with him not after what happened.
"okay students find your partners and start talking , you guys can do a slide presentation, a news video , or a poster board make sure to get creative and have fun , this project is due next week before winter break and you will all present your topics in front of the class" everyone in the class started walking around and finding their partners i just turned to my left and faced ale
"so are we-''
"i'm going to make a slide show and i'll write each of our names at the bottoms of the slide we each know which slide to present so you will know when to speak , and i'll just do all the work and share it with you" i explain before he can talk
"are we really not going to-''
"no we're not going to talk about what happened because you call yourself my best friend and then have the audacity-''
"stop cutting me off and let's actually talk about it" i sigh and look at him , i nod letting him know that he can talk
"look i'm sorry i didn't tell you but mattia told me to cover for him no matter what and i didn't know what he was talking about until you hugged kairi i saw him making out with jenna , i thought he was going to surprise you or something , which he technically did but i thought it was going to be something positive you know"
"then why didn't you ask him?"
"because i wanted it to be a surprise for myself as well and it really was , i thought he was going ask you on a date in a romantic way or get you flowers or something like that"
"what about kairi?"
"kairi is innocent maya , he saw them making out and wanted to spare you from the pain he knew it would cause you , he was never asked to cover for mattia , i was. kairi didn't want you to get hurt knowing how you felt about mattia" i start to feel bad , i jumped to conclusions. fuck , why the hell would i make kairi feel bad , in algebra he could barley look at me without breaking down he was sad and i caused that
"i'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, i probably should have asked you to explain before i thought you were involved" i say while fiddling with my fingers and looking at the floor , alejandro puts his finger on my chin and raised my head so my eyes connect with his , he pulls me into his tight embrace by wrapping his arms around me , i wrap my arms around him as well
"it's fine"
"i feel so bad"
"you don't have to , i would feel the same if i was in your shoes" he says as we let go from our hug
"thank you for understanding"
"no problem bestie" i smile at him and open my notebook
"so for the project"

lovinmattia is typing...
y'all showed so much love to my last chapter and i thank y'all for that 🥰 i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! also i need to know that if i made an alejandro fan-fiction would y'all read it? also don't forget to vote , comment , and share my lovelies, hope you have/had a good day ☺️

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