"You just have to be strong enough to stay away from it. You have to be the bigger, more mature person and turn the other way. Remember the way you felt after you were caught and the consequences of your actions. Don't go down the same road as before. Make a better life for yourself. Your future rests in your hands, nobody else's."

"I'm trying Chloe. I'm trying so da** hard but I'm constantly reminded of my past. The guys in the program practically beg me to start dealin for 'em. I havn't talked to Mike since we were arrested and Grayson hates my guts. His family blames me for everything. They don't wanna believe their 'perfect son' is capable of committing any crime or disobeying their ridiculous rules and ruining their da** reputation. My family blames me for everything too. My mom and I hardly talk anymore. My dad is too busy to give a da** about what I'm doing. It's so messed up Chloe." He sighed, resting his head on mine.

"Sh** happens. You can't dwell on the past Hayden. You have to move on and forget about the mistakes you made. Your mistakes don't define who you are. The person who came out of those few wrong turns is the person that I care about. I don't gave a da** about who you were. I like the Hayden you are now."

"You like me?" He asked, smirking.

"What? Pff.....No. I didn't say that...."

"Yes you did." He grinned, touching my hair.

"You need to go to a Doctor. I think you're hearing things." I stated, trying to hold back my smile.

"No I'm not. You like me Adams. Just admit it."

"Okay. I like you. So what?"

"How much do you like me? This big?" He asked, stretching his arms out about 6 inches.

"Nope." I laughed, holding my hands out, only centimeters apart.

"Oh c'mon! You know it's more like this." He laughed, stretching my arms out as far as they could go.

"If that's what you wanna believe." I smirked, scooting off of his lap.

"Where are you going?" He pouted, trying to bring me back to his lap.

"Well, we as humans have a need to urinate once our bladders are full."

"Why couldn't you have just said you needed to use the bathroom?" He asked.

"And miss out on the disgusted face you just made? You know me better than that." I grinned, slowly backing away.

"Whatever Adams. Just go do your business." He shooed me off, taking out his phone.

I found my way to his bathroom and opened the door. You could tell this was the mens room. The toilet seat was up, toothpaste was all over the sink, there was dirty clothes every where, and the bathtub looked like it hasn't been cleaned in years. Very carefully, I grabbed a wash cloth from a rack and put the toilet seat down. After using the bathroom, I checked my hair and makeup in the small mirror above the filthy sink. I still look decent. My makeup is starting to fade but I don't really care. I'm not big on makeup anyways. Never had the chance to wear much.

After making sure I was presentable, I made my way back to the living room and saw Hayden in front of the t.v trying to  start Netflix. He looked so confused. It was so flippin adorable. It took everything I had not to go over there and kiss that confused look right off of his face. I coughed a little so he knew I was in the room. He dropped the remote and turned towards me with wide eyes.

"Oh. I didn't see you there." He giggled, walking towards me.

"Obviously." I laughed, leaning against the door way.

"So..I was thinkin we could watch a movie of your choice on Netflix while eating junk food, then we can go to the store and buy some food for us to cook for dinner, then we can cook, and after we eat, we can go back to your house to sleep." He stated, planning out our whole day. Or what's left of it.

"Sounds good." I agreed, taking a seat on the comfortable couch. "Oh and by the way, I'm not gonna run away or throw you to the side."

He looked at me with admiration covering his face, smiling at me with the widest smile I have ever seen. My heart warmed at the sight, making me smile in return.

"Thank you Chloe. You have no idea how much that means to me. You make me want to be a better person and with you by my side, I know I'll be the son my parents would be proud of." He smiled, bringing me into his chest.

I gently laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. It was going faster then what it should be. Am I making him nervous? The idea of me making him feel that way makes me smirk.



"Am I making you nervous?" I asked, running my fingers down his chest and to his stomach.

"Uh..N-No." He lied, adjusting his position, bringing me even closer to him.

I took this as an advantage. I don't know where in the he** this confidence is coming from but I'm enjoying every bit of it.

I brung my mouth close to his right ear and seductively whispered: "You sure about that babe?"

He shivered. I made the Hayden Miller shiver. He** yeah!!

"Don't do that." He ordered, letting out a small whimper.

"What? This?" I asked, blowing into his ear.

That was all it took for him to finally kiss me, making my heart and body go wild for the first time in my life. This is all I want. Not even my parents are going to take this from me. I won't let them. I'm in control of my life. I'll be 18 next week. It's about time I start fighting back.

(A/N Eeeeeppppp!! They finally kissed!!! :) Annnd Chloe is gonna start fighting back!!! What do you think of Chapter 29?? Vote, comment, and follow! Love you babes! ;D)

No one guessed the quote. Well if they did, they didn't feel the need to comment. It was "You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute". It's in The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. No one commented about whether I should create an account for my books on Twitter and Instagram either. Pllleeeeaaasssseeee guys! You have to comment! As a writer, I need feedback. I want to know what you honestly think. It would mean the world to me. Thank you sooo much for reading!!

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