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9. A Dream

What if it's all just a dream ?

A dream I don't want to wake up from ,

A dream which almost seems like a miracle ,
A dream which is too good to be true ,
A dream which actually separates dreamland from reality .

A dream my shooting star knows about ,
A dream which my heart yearns for ,
A dream my mind can't stop thinking about .

A dream where everything seems perfect even if it's not ,
A dream where true happiness resides ,
A dream where things actually make sense .

A dream where in I am not the only one dreaming about us ,
A dream where two hearts become one soul ,
A dream where in you and me are actually together forever .

A dream where in our eyes are locked and deep conversations are held ,
A dream where in my hands are intertwined with yours ,
A dream where in we side by side face whatever comes our way .

A dream where in the only thing which matters is love ,
A dream I believe in no matter what ,
A dream in which my prayers are finally heard .

A dream which I know I need to wake up from ,

Because what if it's all just a dream !

~ Isha Mhaske


The one that got away
~ Katy Perry

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