Chapter 32: Darkness Rises

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Ben's POV:

'BEN, I NEED YOU!' I shot up from the bed, heart racing. "RAY I'M COMING!" I scream as I stumble out of the bed. Once I get my bearings I force pull my lightsaber to myself as I run to the ramp. I feel the Falcon taking off and the movement causes me to fall to the floor. 'REY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!' I struggle to find my footing but eventually make it to the ramp and I try to open in but it won't budge. I am desperate to get to her by any means necessary and I am about to cut my way out of here with my lightsaber when her cries reach my mind, 'I...I'm sorry Ben. I couldn't risk losing you both.' I freeze realizing this is all her doing. I attempt to push into her mind again but I'm blocked out. 'REY! REY! ANSWER ME, PLEASE ANSWER ME! PLEASE I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!' I get nothing, I go over to the controls to see if I can fly me back but the autopilot is set and locked. I try over and over again to push through her barrier and activate our bond and fail. I keep at it with everything I have not wanting to accept failure. All I can do is panic and try to reach out to her. I'm almost to the Gray Jedi temple when I feel our bond connect. I can see Rey strapped down to a metal bed, her clothes have been removed leaving her in just her undergarments. There is blood everywhere but all I can see is the large cut down her abdomen where a man is sewing her stomach shut. I look down at his feet, by them is a trash can. 'No, no, no, it can't be, it's too soon.' I'm still looking down at it as I attempt to get myself to go closer. I feel the little force signature of our child so faint right before it goes silent and cold.

I can't stop myself from crying. I see a man in a black holding a bracelet like a device, as he locks it around Rey's wrist and I lose connection. "REY, NO, NO" I scream aloud as I try everything to reconnect the bond but I fail. The only way I even know that she is alive is I can barely feel her force signature from so far away. 'What am I going to do? I can't lose her and I just lost our child?' I slide down the wall of the cockpit, all I can say is, "Rey, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," over and over.

I feel a shift in the force and can barely bring myself to lift my head up. I feel the darkness trying to take me over as my eyes rest on the little girl in the gray Jedi robes from the day I came back. She runs up to me wrapping her arms around my neck in yet another hug. I am about to push her away when I realize something I hadn't noticed before. I pull her away slightly so I can get a good look at her. How had I not put the pieces together before? "You can't let the darkness win. Look at me! I'm not in pain and never have been. I meant what I said. We will meet again someday and I don't mind waiting a while longer. Daddy ... Mommy needs you! You can't let the darkness win! You just can't!" She says with her two petite hands on my cheeks. I pull her into a tight hug yet again. She got her spunk from me and her strength from her mother. I absolutely love her. I don't ever want to let her go. I want her to stay here in my arms. I want to do nothing but pour my love into her till the end of time. However; just like her mother, she's always right. I have to fight and get mommy Rey back. "Thank you." I whisper to my little one over and over as I place numerous kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and in her hair causing her to giggle. "I love you little one. With all my heart, but I gotta go fight for mommy now like how she once fought for me." I see my mother's force ghost not far behind her and know she will be in good hands. "Will you do me a favor and hang out with Grandma Leia until I and mommy are ready to join you?" She hugs me tight again before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Ok, daddy! I love you! Bye! Tell mommy I love her too, ok?" With tears in my eyes, I call out. "I will! We will always love and miss you! Be a good little girl! May the force be with you!" I watch as my mother lifts her up into her arms as she waves back at me. "Always Daddy!" and with that said they disappear just as the Falcon comes to a stop.

Finn's POV:

"General Finn, you are going to want to see this." A young girl says. She hands me a set of documents that were talking about the trials they ran on Poe for a new mind-control serum. It's not any serum in the known galaxy. The documents state when the serum has been injected into the victim, then the victim has an hour to be told or shown anything by the controlling party member and it will be accepted as the full truth and real reality. Trails on Poe have shown to be successful at memory manipulation, emotional manipulation, and activity manipulation. I look up from the documents, I get a feeling from the force that something is wrong with, Rey. As I continue to read I see their next planned test subjects are known force users and they have somehow captured Rey. I start to panic. "Quickly get a sample of this serum and send it along with these documents to Rose. Tell her to start having the medical team to start working on an antiserum. Now! And tell her to let Ben in on all this information. If we really are losing Rey we are going to need all the help we can get.

Rey POV:

When I wake up, I see my handsome husband in front of me, he gives me a shot in my arm. "You're awake!" He exclaims as he grabs my hand. "What happened?" I groggily ask, still slightly confused by our surroundings. "It was Kylo Ren dear. He betrayed the Final Order and I couldn't stop him, I tried to stop him dear but he knocked me out." Tears start to form in his eyes. "I don't know how to tell you this dear but you need to hear it." I look down at my stomach in fear. "Seth, what happened to our child," I scream. "Kylo Ren. He killed our child by carving it out of you and ran off before any of us could stop him." He explains with tears running down his face. I lay there for a moment just thinking of what to do next. All I can think of is revenge. I shoot up from the bed and start to get ready. "He will pay for what he has done to this family." I grab my dual red blade lightsaber and look at myself in the mirror. I know this is not the time to admire myself but I almost look like I'm something out of a nightmare. I shake the thought from my head. "Take me to General Hux And General Poe dear so we may come up with a plan to avenge our lost child." He nods in agreement and kisses me but it feels wrong somehow. We boarded our ship and took off.

Rose's POV:

Right before we land, I receive the documents that are transmitted to me from the Resistance. My jaw drops and panic shots though me. I download the documents to a holo pad. 'This isn't good.' I think to myself and as soon as the ramp drops I start running with the holo pad in my hands and screaming for Ben. I find him kneeling in front of the Falcon crying. "Ben, I am Rose, one of Rey's friends. You are going to want to read these. We all need you now more than ever." I say handing him the holo pad to a man that looks like he just lost everything. He appears so broken, I never thought I would see him so human. He takes it from me and starts to read it while he whips tears away. He gets up and throws the holo pad on the ground. "I know what we have to do." He says, stomping away. 

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