Chapter 5

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It wasn't easy falling asleep the previous night. Everyone's minds were racing after the events that transpired, but none more so than Dipper's. He finally knew who the author was and the whole time it was a member of his family. He knew he would wake up early to get a chance to talk to him, and that's exactly what he did.

Dipper's eyes shot open and he jolted up. He saw Mabel and Pacifica shift a little so he was more carful getting out of bed. After he was out of his room he ran down the stairs and into the living room.

"Where is he?" He excitedly asked Stan who was sitting down watching TV.

"Who Soos? He won't be here for a couple more hours."

Dipper got annoyed. "Grunkle Stan don't mess with me. Where Great Uncle Ford?"

"Oh so he's Great Uncle Ford? He's too cool for Grunkle?" Stan turned up the TV.

"Grunkle Stan I'm serious!"

"Fine kid jeez! He's in the weird magic carpet room you and your sister found. But don't go bothering him ya hear?" Stan looked over and noticed Dipper had already left.

He knocked on the door. "Great Uncle Ford it's Dipper! Can I ask you a few questions?" There was no response at first, but then the door slowly opened. Ford looked disheveled, like this was his first night of sleep in years. Guilt immidiently sunk in. "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you. I'll just..."

Dipper turned to leave but Ford stopped him. "Wait." He went back into his room and fumbled around for a bit before returning to the door with  his first two journals. "I took these back from Stanley after I came back so I could keep them safe, but if you promise not to lose them you can read them."

Dipper's eyes lit up. "Thanks Great Uncle Ford! I promise to be carful!" He quickly made his way into the kitchen table and began to read.

A few hours passed and Pacifica finally woke up. The past two nights had been some of the most emotionally taxing of her life. She was so used to being waited on hand and foot that the ordeal she had endured felt like she had just run a uphill marathon. Her eyes finally fluttered open and she noticed Dipper and Mabel were gone. She went I to the bathroom to freshen up felt as if she had stepped into another world. She had used it very little since she had arrived due to everything that happened so she never took a chance to breath in the decor.

It was small, far smaller than any room in her mansion. The bathtub looked like it could only fit one person and she didn't recognize any of the products. They said soap and shampoo on them but the names themselves were all very foreign to her. Mabel walked past and noticed Pacifica's confused expression through the open door. "Sorry we don't have any of the fancy stuff your used to, but I promise that this is all just as good!" She picked up a bottle of shampoo.

"Look this one has a smiling strawberry on it! How can you go wrong?"

Pacifca chuckled. "This is going to take some getting used to."

Mabel patted her on the back. "You'll get the hang of it. When your done up here come downstairs and I'll make breakfast."  

After Pacifica's shower she came downstairs and saw Dipper and Mabel sitting at the table. Dipper was reading one of the journals and Mabel was eating something out of a bowl, although Pacifica didn't recognize what it was.

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