Chapter 9

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"I thought it could only move one space?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper reached across the board and picked up her piece. "Usually yes, but when you first move it it can move two spaces."

"Ok. And this one moves like an L right?"

Mabel watched as Dipper tried to teach Pacifica chess for the 4th time. Summer was quickly winding to an end and she worried that these two haven't taken their relationship far enough to make it last long distance. After all, they still haven't had their first kiss!

After minutes of painful explaining she finally spoke up. "Paz why are you wearing Dipper's hat?"

"No reason." She said quickly, failing to meet Mabel's gaze.

"Come on we can tell Mabel." Dipper insisted. "Besides she can probably help. Her ro-"

Pacifica reached across the table and put her hand on Dipper's mouth. "Nobody. Can. Know."

Dipper said something but it was muffled by Pacifica's hand.

"Ooo Dipper you should lick her! That always gets someone to move their hand."

Pacifica quickly retracted her hand with a look of disgust.

"You weren't really going to lick me were you?"

Dipper put his hand on his chin as if he had to think about it.

"Your supposed to say no!"

Mabel laughed. They had certainly gotten more comfortable around each other. It wasn't quick glances and hushed voices anymore. But Pacifica was still having trouble with other people. And as soon as anyone besides Mabel was in the room with them Dipper would clam back up like they had just started dating again.

"When are you two going to go on an actual date?" Mabel finally asked.

"What's wrong with this?" Dipper asked.

"Your boring her to death! She's probably wearing your hat to keep her brain from popping out and running away!"

Dipper looked slightly hurt by what Mabel said. He looked across the table at Pacifica. "Is there something you want to do?"

"I don't know. I never really had time like this. Everything I'm good at it's because my parents made me practice it. And ever since I left I've just been going along with you two."

"Here's an idea." Mabel said. "Why don't you two go somewhere and have an actual date!? There's plenty of stuff to do in town and-"

"NO!" Pacifica slammed both hands on the table. After seeing the twins' look of surprise she slowly took her hands off the table. "Sorry. I'm just not ready to go into town yet. You all were accepting of me, but you know I changed. They don't. They all still see me as the mean rich girl."

"Doesn't you saving everyone at your parents party count for something?" Mabel asked.

"You'd be surprised how short the memories of some of the people in town are." Dipper added.

"Maybe another day." Pacifica sheepishly let out.

"Summer is almost over!" Mabel insisted. "It's not like the chance to go to a bunch of fun places where nobody knows who you are is just going to get dumped on your lap!"

At that moment Grunkle Stan peaked his head through the doorway. "Kids pack your bags, your helping me on a long road trip to a bunch of other tourist attractions far away from here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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