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Lacey found a seat in the semi crowded room. She and Kacy sat next to each other and waited for the meeting to start. Lacey was busy on her phone, when Kacy laid her head on her shower.

"What's up my little ninja" asked Lacey.

"Nothing, I just miss Trevor. Since he became champion he hasn't been home that much. With them having him booked for media, meet and greets and all that" said Kacy.

Lacey held in a laugh, she knew the real reason Trevor better known as Ricochet wasn't around as much. He was messing with Lacey's other friend Faye on the side. Lacey only knew this because she stayed with Faye for a couple of days when her apartment needed repairs. Lacey knew it was wrong but it also wasn't her place to say anything.

"That's unfortunate, you know it is Mania season. It's always busy around this time of the year" said Lacey.

Lacey made a mental note to talk to Trevor. The next time he was in town, she loved that Faye found someone that cares about her but it hurt her that Kacy was being affected in the process. Lacey heard a loud whistle, she took that as the signal that the meeting was starting. Lacey put her phone in her pocket and looked up.

That's when Lacey caught HER eyes. Stephanie looked her up and down with a slight smirk. She made eye contact with Lacey and her expression changed slightly, she noticed Lacey wasn't wearing her collar. Lacey broke the eye contact they had, and focused her attention on Triple H.

"Talent, I know it was you guys day off. So we are going to try and make this quick" said Trips.

They group of people gave a collective nod, before he continued.

"I have good news and bad news. I have been put in charge of creative development on Raw and Smackdown, along with part time management of these facilities. I will no longer be head of creative development for NXT and NXT UK" said Trips.

Everyone let out a loud groan, they were a tad bit upset.

"I know guys, I don't want to leave. I have found my replacement and they are just as good as I am, and I will be helping them through this" said Trips.

"Who Who Who" chanted the room.

"The new head of creative development for NXT and NXT UK. My wife, Stephanie McMahon" said Trips.

Lacey choked a bit at that announcement, Kacey lifted her head off Lacey's shoulder. "You ok" asked Kacy. "Fine, just need some water" said Lacey. She grabbed and took a sip of her water.

Stephanie stood up from behind the table she was at and walked around. She decided to lean against the table as she talked. Lacey couldn't help bit to stare. Stephanie was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. Both of which didn't do anything but emphasis the curves on her. Stephanie was in good shape for her age.

"I want to thank my husband Hunter, for choosing me to take over his position. I know that it will be big shoes to fill. I have watched hims do this job for years I learned from him. I can only hope to be as good as he was at this job. My work number has been emailed to everyone and feel free to contact me if you guys need anything" said Stephanie.

She sat back down, and Hunter stood back up.

"If you guys have questions feel free to email me or drop by my office. Go enjoy your weekend off" said Trips.

The talent slowly filed out the door and everyone began leaving.

Lacey heard her phone ding as she was driving.

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