First Day At The DWMA

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It was your first day at the Death Weapon Meister Academy. You were already an hour late and if you'd hurry, you would make it up the stairs at exactly 8:00 am

You took a deep breath and began to run up the stairs as you looked at your watch watching the seconds count down.

You got to the very top right as the clock hit 8. "Perfect timing for a perfect school!" You say as you walk in the door.

You looked at your map and followed it until you reached your class. When you walked in you saw people in their seats and a crazy guys trying to dissect what seemed like and extinct bird.

"Ah good morning, you must be the new student (y/n)?" Asked the crazy guy as he glared over at you.

"U-Um Yes Sir..." You studdered as he wheeled over to you in his chair.

He examined you,looking at your height and how skinny you were and also how your dress wrapped around your body.

"Take a seat anywhere" He said wheeling away.

You sighed and sat next to a cheerful girl with her hair up in pig tails, reading a book.

She was sitting next to a boy with white hair and red eyes and he was wearing a leather jacket and a girly black headband.

"I can't believe we had to come to school today!" Said the white haired boy.

"Soul, its a Tuesday. We always come to school on Tuesdays!" Said the girl with her nose still in the book.

"Yeah but I would rather be at home, reading....stuff" He said again.

The girls eye began to twitch as she grabbed her book and hit him on the head as she yelled "Makaaaaaa CHOP!"

"Are you OK?" You asked as he rubbed his head.

Suddenly they both slowly looked at you like they had just now noticed you were there.

The girl gave an awkward smile and rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh he's fine. Hi, I'm Maka! And you must be new?" She asked.

The boy sighed. "Ugh Newbies..." Replied the boy.

Maka slapped him again.

"This is Soul! Don't mind him, he's a douche bag" She giggled.

"Hey!" He said.

You laughed and put down your back pack. You pulled out a pencil and began to write on a piece of paper trying to make it as neat as possible.

The bell finally rang and everyone pulled out of their seats and walked out the door.

"Here let me look at your schedule!" Said Maka pulling the schedule from your hands. She skimmed through the paper and read each of your classes.

"You have the rest of your classes with me but me and Soul have to leave later so I guess Kid is going to have to walk you to class for your last period" She said guiding you to your next class.

When you arrived to class, you sat next in between Maka and Soul but there was some weird looking guy in front of you with black hair and 3 white stripes on the left side of his head.

He looked kinda like a zebra.

The boy turned around then looked at you and Maka.

"Oh hello Maka, is this the new student Soul has been texting everyone about?" He said with his deep voice.

She grew an annoyed look than looked over at Soul who had his cell phone out. She reached across from you and yanked it out of his hands, shoving it into her pocket.

"HEY!" He yelled. "I was texting Black⭐Star!"

She just rolled her eyes and looked back over at the boy.

"Kid, this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Kid. He's gonna be the one to walk you to our last period!" She said smiling.

He looked at you and noticed something that made him flip out and start gushing blood from his nose...

You were completely

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