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First chappie of Captive!!

Yep, I was just this excited for A Doll's Life, but I'm positive that this idea isn't as hard as that.



Pietra arrived home that evening with a big smile on her face. Her two younger brothers Liam and Killian and her two older sisters Paula and Klima immediately noticed. The quiet, and usually sad girl had then flourished into a bubbly, and cheerful girl. She seemed alien to them, and didn't even tease her that night.

"What's gotten into you, Pietra? You're so, I don't know, happy." Klima asked her younger sister. The girl shrugged, and skipped off into her room with her backpack full of homework. Once inside her grey-walled room, she takes out her phone, and presses 1 on speed dial.

"Hello?" The person on the other line sounded confused.

"It's me, you dimwit, Pietra!" She almost screeched with happiness.

"Who is this Pietra?" He said in a deep voice imitating an old man, stifling his laughter with his sleeve. Pietra sighed with embarrassment, thinking that it really was an old man.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for bothering you, I have the wrong number." She seemed disappointed, her best friend had changed his number again. Where can she reach him now?

As she was about to hang up the phone, the other line started laughing really loud. It was more of a high-pitched, gurgled giggle. Wait, she's heard that before!

"Texas Geronimo LeekerdStop pranking me! I will so get you back for this!" Pietra shouted. But it was funny, that she could admit. If there's anything Texas didn't know, is that Pietra was quite a prankster. Having younger and dorkier brothers sometimes does come in handy. 

"Now open your window, and I'll tell you the deets!" She screamed into the phone, and hung up abruptly. Texas frowned, and reluctantly opened his window, expecting the worse. Fortunately, it wasn't what he'd been expecting, not a flesh-eating monster with Pietra's voice. His imagination could be quite, well, wild at times.

He was greeted by none other than, a happy Pietra! He has never seen that in their friendship of 3 years, ever since she moved to the suburbs of Toronto. Pietra smiled mischievously, and Texas frowned again. Could this day get anymore confusing?  He thought to himself. A voice in his head told him a definite "yes."

"So, tell me something I've been waiting to hear for 10 freaking minutes!" He exclaimed. "And what exactly changed the day I wasn't here?"

Pietra sighed, looking at the dark sky outside her open window, remembering that cold December morning. "IsortagotaskedoutbyJasperHilltoday!" She shrieked so loud that her sister Klima opened her adjoining window. "What's going on here? Pietra, why are you flirting with your boyfriend so loudly? I'm trying to sleep!" And closed her window.

Pietra muttered something along the words of "I'll be right back my sister is annoying," and rushed from her post to the room next to her.

"Klima, why do you have to be so irritating today of all days?! First of all, he is not my boyfriend. And secondly, we're just talking!" And ran out back to Texas. Klima didn't really expect her quiet sister's outburst, she was beyond bewildered. So she went to sleep without another word.

Texas was quite amused, this Pietra, whoever that was, was a lot more fun.

"Back to what we were discussing, can you speak slower. I did not understand a single word you said!"

Pietra inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Here is the story of Friday, December 13, 2014."

Cliffy!!! You know you love those! have it all planned in my Chemistry notebook, which left at school!
Major character development during Friday the 13 for Pietra, and the good kind!
promise the action starts in like 2 chapters, but don't skip ahead just yet! The next chapter is important!!
With hugs and virtual unicorns,

P.S. I dedicate this chapter to @tarashayegan1st because she voted on all my chapters for now, for which I am eternally grateful! Go check her account out because she is fab!

Captive {ON HOLD}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora