Ch. 9 Reunions Part 3

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Zhao saw the young man who had interfered in their attack. He looked vaguely familiar, and his voice rang a memory in his head. When his eyes saw the eye patch that the man wore, the gears in his head turned. Then the image of a thirteen year old boy groveling to the Fire Lord in the Agni Kai arena of the capital flashed in his mind.

"It can't be," said Zhao unable believe what he was seeing, "Are you...?"

The young man sighed, and lifted his hand to the eye patch and removed it. The red scar was now visible for them to see, and Zhao was the first to gawk. Even though the hair was long and messy, even though the face was dirtier and the clothes were Earth Kingdom, there was no mistaking the scar and the proud, commanding expression.

"Zuko..." was all the man could say, still surprised by who he was looking at.

Zuko only stared at him, and readied himself for a fight, knowing the moment he interfered with the dragoon's volley that his cover would be blown. However, he first needed to make sure that June was alright.

Aang had just propped up Katara and Sokka against the wall to better see what was going on when the three laid eyes on the horrible burn on the left side of Zuko's face as he faced the woman he had protected. Aang wasn't surprised too much since he saw it already, though Sokka felt a little sick looking at the scar, and Katara gasped at the sight. The two siblings had seen burns before, but those were on arms, legs, or other parts of the body. However, the scar on the face looked horrible, and they wondered how he could have gotten it.

"So... how have you been?" Zuko asked June with a familiar, drawled out ease.

June, also seemed to fall into the feeling of familiarity, and just scowled at the question.

"Oh, just fine," she said in a similar manner as she tried to get onto her feet.

"Can you fight?" he asked her seriously.

"I think so, I didn't fall that hard."

Zuko accepted her answer seeing as she got up without too much effort, and he then turned around and focused his attention back to the situation. In front of him were a Fire Nation admiral and twenty dragoons. And on his side were two paralyzed Water Tribe teens a twelve year old Avatar, a former lieutenant turned bounty hunter, and her short tempered mount. In his mind odds seemed to go against them.

"Well, well what a pleasant surprise. Not one, but two members of the 41st Auxiliary Division," began Zhao snapping Zuko out of his thoughts, "Lieutenant June, formerly of the 21st, and Prince Zuko... you're still alive I see."

Aang, Katara, Sokka balked at the word "prince."

"P-P-P- Prince?" sputtered Sokka.

"But, that would mean... he's..." began Katara with similar feelings.

"Zuko?" began Aang, now frightened, "Are you... really?"

"Oh?" began Zhao, "I had no idea you were friends with the Avatar."

"...We're more like frequent acquaintances," said Zuko.

"Is that so? Well, then I guess you wouldn't have any problem in us capturing the boy," said Zhao before giving a wicked smile, "Or... perhaps you would be willing to help us out."

Zuko cocked an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"Think about it," continued Zhao, "You can return home with honor, a hero of the war, and your father would welcome you with open arms. You can be a prince again."

Aang tensed and gripped his staff at Zhao's words, worried that Zuko would take the man's offer.

"Not interested," said Zuko suddenly, "I refuse to do anything for that bastard."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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