Ch. 8 Reunions Part 2

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The Fire Nation's Auxiliary Divisions, more commonly referred to as the Colonial Army, were created by crown prince Lu Ten in the later period of the war, and were his legacy. They comprised of five divisions: the 11th, 21st, 31st, 41st, and 52nd. Controversy and scandal surrounded the army, but the main topic of all slander was the nature of the forces: the use of Earth Kingdom citizens within the empire in addition to Fire Nation citizens from the colony.

Why, and more importantly how, Lu Ten was given permission to form such an army remains a mystery to many.

Many generals, including the crown prince's own father, the Dragon of the West, were initially skeptical about the effectiveness and trustworthiness of the army. However when reports of the Earth soldiers had proved effective in combat, and followed Lu Ten's orders without question those doubts were silenced. Their hardy attitude kept them in the fight longer than other soldiers, and their bending saved many lives. Many traditionalists declared to Fire Lord Azulon that it would only be a matter of time before they betrayed the Fire Nation, but the Fire Lord was so satisfied with the results his favored grandson had produced that he was willing to turn a blind eye.

After the failed siege of Ba Sing Se and the crowning of Fire Lord Ozai however, they fell into disfavor, and were even accused of betraying Lu Ten during the siege. They were stripped of their honor, and many of its soldiers were either executed or sent to labor camps. The soldiers and officers who were spared the punishment of the new Fire Lord banded together to form a single division, and were used as fodder in numerous campaigns in an attempt to wipe them out from existence. Ironically, it only bolstered their fame since the most talented officers of the divisions were among the survivors of the purges, and produced stunning and brilliant victories with the severe lack of resources at their disposal. These victories, coupled with their previous achievements, made the Auxiliary Divisions the most famous army ever produced during the war, respected by both their enemies and allies.

Ultimately, however, the once illustrious army was annihilated at the Battle of the Uragiri Plains three years after Ba Sing Se. At least, that's what the official records say.


Outside the tavern, were twenty dragoons riding mongoose-dragons. When Zhao realized that the person mentioned in the scroll from the vice-admiral was June, the famed tracker of the Fire Nation's 21st Auxiliary Division, he knew he needed to have mounted aid. So Zhao ordered Shinu to give him use of a squad Fire Nation Dragoons, the elite cavalry unit that rivaled the Rough Rhinos.

Unlike the Rough Rhinos, the dragoons were light cavalry that emphasized speed more than power, and unlike the Rough Rhinos, the dragoons were also skilled in infantry tactics giving them the flexibility that the Rhinos lacked. In addition to serving as escorts for supply lines and shock cavalry forces in battles, the balance of infantry and cavalry tactics made the dragoons ideal for special ops missions. A small party of dragoons could easily slip deep behind enemy lines and cause mayhem where the Earth Kingdom least expected it, and get back to Fire Nation territory before the Earth Kingdom knew what was happening and react.

The dragoons were told by Zhao that they were to aid in a top secret mission that required their absolute silence, indicating the sensitivity of the mission. They followed Zhao to a tavern and they waited outside sitting on their mounts, waiting for the Admiral to return. They had been told they would be looking for the Avatar with him, and that they would be aided by a tracker. Shortly after Zhao entered the tavern, there was some squabbling and a burst of flame went through the window. Some of the dragoons looked at one another before the tavern door opened and Zhao came out with the woman in tow. June was struggling somewhat, but that stopped when the dragoons assembled in formation.

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