It made him feel so free of everything, and most importantly gave him something to rely on. If he couldn't rely on a friend to take him to get help or any family members, he could turn to alcohol instead and maybe one day damage his liver and overwhelm his system enough to the point where he'd die and didn't have to worry about it anymore.

It sounds horrible but to the boy it was the way life was. He might've been a deranged, empty, and co-dependent piece of scum, but he came to accept that. Taeyong was told how horrible he was his whole life—how he was a rascal, troublemaker, an alcoholic, careless, a psychopath, and worst of all, a burden.

He was nothing, he was made of all things nasty and terrible, and had nothing else to offer the world.

So this really was his life. And considering how much potential he was told he had before he became an emotional wreck, it seemed like such a waste of it.

A few hours later, Taeyong took care of his teeth and showered. Because he still felt sick he downed a lot of Pepto Bismol without bothering to look at the dosage and decided he was going to lie around in his bed for awhile, because even after taking handfuls of aspirin he still felt really bad. His stomach started to cramp and he had a migraine that didn't seem to keen on letting him off this time.

Taeyong scrolled a bit through his phone, idly gazing at all his 'friends' social media posts. It was the same old shit that nobody cared about — pictures of weed (some probably selling it), ridiculously decorated bongs, and a few photos of people simply living it up. It was a lifestyle and it was depressing how many people fed into it. Well, at least to Taeyong it was.

He wasn't really paying attention to anything until he saw a disruption of all the pot and smiling faces — there was a post that said,

'Students Class of 2016, Suwon High are invited to a catching up party on Friday, 17th of April! It will be located at Bang's Lodge uptown of Suwon at 7 pm. The party will be hosted by several volunteers, some of those being your own classmates and peers! Be sure to show up, it will be a great time filled with memories and nostalgia. Come to reminisce on the good old times!

Note - Alcohol is permitted, but narcotics of any class are banned and the supplier will immediately be escorted to the police station.'

April 17th was today. Taeyong flickered his gaze up at the ceiling, thinking. His initial thoughts told him no way, because he didn't really want to deal with the shocked faces of everyone seeing him after all these years. But another tiny piece of him almost yearned to see his old friends and all the people he went to school with. Although those times weren't necessarily happy, they were certainly happier. And he wouldn't mind remembering those moments, only if it was for a few hours.

Taeyong groaned in frustration, sinking further into his thick comforter and dragging the contemplation on for far longer than it had to be. He bit his lip, glanced back at his phone, and then back to his ceiling.

He decided he was going to go.


"I'm only here for the free alcohol."

"Bullshit! Taetae, I know you missed me."

Taeyong rolled his brown eyes lined with a soft color of eyeliner to the back of his head, pathetically trying to wiggle his way out of Nakamoto Yuta's insanely strong grip. The Japanese didn't let him, basically smothering himself in Taeyong's brand new designer jacket. "You just missed me so much you couldn't help yourself," Yuta spoke, his head nuzzled on top of Taeyong's broad shoulder and long brown hair tickling the Korean's cheek.

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