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It was Christmas Eve morning and I had just gotten on the plane to San Diego. My family lives in a small town called Fallbrook and they have not moved from there for 35 years. I texted my parents and brother, Leo, that I would be in San Diego in 2 hours. 

Archer was at work and would be flying out later tonight. I was nervous for him to meet my family because I have never introduced someone to my family. I have no clue how they would act around him if they were going to completely embarrass me or be cool like I would need them to be. 

When I woke up from my quick nap, I saw that we had landed in San Diego and wee approaching the terminal. I looked out the window and saw the warm sun that I had missed so much. I missed my home but I was so happy with my life in San Fransisco. Once off the plane, I collected my bag and made my way to where Leo said he ha parked. 

"Keaton Jaymes!" I heard someone that sounded like my annoying brother yell. I turned around and saw familiar sandy locks leaning against his black Jeep. 

"Lele!" I yelled back running to give him a hug

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"Lele!" I yelled back running to give him a hug. He swung me around slightly before setting me down. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you so much more," he said grabbing my bag and putting it in the trunk of his car. We got in the car and started on our way back home. "How are you? How was your flight?"

For the next hour of our drive we caught up on the past 3 months we have been away. He has been running our grandfather's real estate company and helping to plan his wedding with his fiance, Bailey. Their wedding was going to be in July and I could not be more excited. She is the most perfect girl to take care of my brother. 

"Enough about me and Bails, how is this mysterious Archer I hear about and see you with?" I blushed at his words. "I can already tell by the way that you blush at his name that you really like him."

"He is the best Leo. I have never been so happy." 

"I am excited to meet him then. You know I am gonna have to rough him up a little bit as your big brother." 

"I wouldn't imagine it any other way from you." 

We pulled up to my parent's house and I saw my family's dog, Bruno, immediately charge at the car to say hi

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We pulled up to my parent's house and I saw my family's dog, Bruno, immediately charge at the car to say hi. I walked into the house and made my way to the kitchen to see my mom making a pie. "Hi, mom!"

"Keaton oh my goodness!" She squealed almost dropping her pie. She dashed towards and pulled me into a hug. "I have missed you so much."

"I missed you too momma! It smells great in here," I referenced to the amazing amount of food surrounding our kitchen. We have always had the tradition of having Christmas Eve dinner with my mom's family and Christmas day with my dad's family, so we have a lot of food to make. 

I eventually made my way downstairs and found my dad drinking a beer in the basement. "Aren't you supposed to be helping mom?"

"Hi, sweetie!" He jumped up from his seat and pulled me into a hug. "You should know that I am avoiding having to bring the tables in."

"Go make Leo help you before I send mom down here." I gave him a smirk knowing he would get right on it so that mom doesn't get mad at him. 

"Yes, ma'am." I kissed his cheek and went back upstairs to help my mom cook some more. 

We talked a lot about my work and how San Fransisco was, and of course, she wanted to know about Archer. I spilled all about how we met and how he is such an amazing guy. She was more excited to see him then I am it seems like. 

"So when does Mr. Hunk get here?" Bailey asked me as we set the table for dinner. 

"He is supposed to land later tonight. He got held up at work." 

"I am excited to see him. Are things pretty serious between you two?" she winked at me. 

"We have only been dating for a few months. He has talked about marriage already?" 

"What?!" She squealed almost making me drop the wine glasses in my hands. "Spill now."

"He was super sick and said that I was going to make the best wife and mother. Then we talked about marriage and I told him I wanted to wait a few years, and he got sad. I really like him, but I am just not ready to be married yet." 

"I get it! By the way, he looks at you in all the pictures I see of y'all, he really loves you. I bet he will be fine with whatever you want." I blushed. 

After we were done, I went upstairs to my old room to get freshened up before dinner. I walked into my room seeing that it was the same as when I left it, memories of high school came flooding into my mind. I unpacked and hoped into the shower. I wrapped my towel around myself and made my way back into my room. 

My phone was ringing and I saw it was Archer. "Hi, Archer."

"Hi, beautiful. I'm sorry I have been MIA, I have been in a meeting all day. How is home?"

"It is great, we have just been cooking all day. And I am exhausted." 

"That sounds exciting. I have some bad news to tell you." MY heart stopped a little. 

"What's going on?"

"It has been pouring rain all day and no flight will leave SFA. The next flight isn't till the 26th."

"Oh wow."

"I am so sorry baby. Really, I am trying everything, but I don't think I can make it till then." His voice sounded so sad. 

"It's okay! We can celebrate then."

"Okay good! Don't be sad, go enjoy your family. And please tell everyone I am so sorry."

"Thank you, and they will understand. I am gonna go get ready for tonight. "

"Have fun baby. I love you."

"Bye Archie." 

I was kind of bummed, but there is nothing anyone can do so I just need to be happy I am with my family. I had a little over an hour till my cousins arrived for dinner so I decided to get ready. 

I applied a light layer of foundation to my face and mascara to my eyes and called it a day on my makeup. I slipped on a pair of dark washed jeans, tan booties, and a white sweater. Once I was dressed, I went downstairs and greeted my family. 

I told my parents that Archer could not join us till the 26 and they totally understood. They were more upset that he didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with. I would make sure to facetime him tomorrow and keep his spirits up. 

It was a long night. I, along with Bailey,  was on the duty of playing with all of my younger cousins so that my aunts and uncles could have a break. The best part of it all was that I got to snuggle my uncle Derrick and his husband Chad's new baby twins, Lukas and Aubrey. They were the most adorable babies. 

After a good 4 hours, everyone finally bid their goodbyes. I helped clean the kitchen with my brother and once I was done I went upstairs to shower. I sent Archer a text before laying down. The second I hit my mattress I felt sleep captivate me. 

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