"Yes, there is somewhere else," Haedyn said. "But Rory, remember what happened the last time you ventured out?"

"Are you referring to the Tree? Speaking of, when might I see it? I really do need some samples. They're essential."

"You'll have to wait a few days. A thorough sweep of the place is underway right now. Then you'll have to ask Doran."

Haedyn ruffled a shock of his hair, looked at me and suddenly smiled. "Come on. I think we can find somewhere else to eat. Especially now, because there won't be too many others there. Only, I have a request: don't leave my side. Stay right by me. Got it?"

"Got it!"

I really wanted to see another part of the palace. Otherwise, it was ridiculous: here I was in a completely different world, but either confined to this lab or my chambers, not allowed to see what's what out there. I'd clearly adapted physically and wasn't sick at all when I passed by windows. In fact, I could even see in Ruadh a rather crazy kind of freaky beauty.

"Haedyn, can you tell Aerona that I'll want to see her in a day and I'll also draw some of her blood then. I've got to analyze her hormones. So for the next 24 hours, she needs to abstain from drinking, sex, and stimulants."

"You gotta be kidding....," the healer muttered. "So what's the nature of this analysis?"

"I want to take a look at her reproductive system and see if you have thyroid hormones. I know for sure you do have a thyroid – I studied one of your books on anatomy. And there are other little things I want to look at. We have to approach this from every angle, Haedyn. To be honest, I'm really intrigued by what's going on with your people. Even if I wasn't my freedom depends on my ability to quickly find and solve your problem.?"

We walked along a wide corridor dominated by dark brown and purple hues. A mirror floor, lamps recessed into the walls, niches with sofas, and statues that gave me goose bumps. And also faeries. A lot of faeries passing by one by one and in small groups. All had very business-like looks. Some were loaded down with books, others carried strange vessels with who knows what inside.

I was curious and so asked Haedyn, "So what do the subjects of the Court of Shadows do with themselves?"

"They live their lives."

"Ha ha, very funny. It's just that I see all these faeries living in the palace. I doubt Doran allows them all to freeload."

"You're right," Haedyn grinned, turning right and starting down some stone stairs. I was right behind him, having noticed that the kitten, in turn, was now following me.

"You know, Rory, that the Shadow Court accepts everyone. There's just one caveat to that. Everybody has to work. Half the inhabitants of Ruadh are scholars of some sort. Doran is cunning. Both the Seelie and the Unseelie Courts are stuck in their ways. They are loathe to accept any changes. So Doran draws the scholars in. Including historians. We are the only ones who judge all three Courts. Doran is constantly looking for precedents to various crimes perpetrated throughout our long, rich history. This makes it easier to work things out. Sure, the magic of the Wild Hunt can always point to the perpetrator, but that's not enough. You also need the tools to analyze the situation."

"Wait a minute! I'm one of a slew of scientists, then?"

"Yes, you could say so."

"What the hell do you need me for, then? Can't you all get together and figure it out?"

"Rory, we study Chaos and everything about it. But when it comes to reproductive issues... alas ... stereotypes and pride come into the picture. Even we scientists have problems with it, and we're the most reasonable inhabitants of the Three Courts. Doran is probably the only one who can honestly accept that we are dying out. Even I have a hard time with it. I can't help but think we're going to live forever. And the most important thing is that we simply don't possess your knowledge. We're used to solving all our problems with magic. I don't even know how to conduct the simplest of blood tests."

Captive of the Shadows (The Fairy Code Book #1) by Kaitlyn WeissWhere stories live. Discover now