
"Nor me. Let's find out." I pressed them together and an awful noise came out. Everyone but the Doctor and I grabbed their head in pain. The window shattered. I stopped and the Doctor pulled Donna and me to the supply closet from this morning.

He threw out the mops and such. "Well, that's one solution," Donna said sarcastically, "Hide in a cupboard. I like it."
There was a big green machine behind the sliding back wall. "Triple deadlocked," he explained, "But now I've got this" He held up her sonic. "I can get into it."

"I'll be on the roof," I told him, "But when this is over, you will tell me what you're not telling me." The Doctor gulped and nodded slowly.

I waited on the roof, trying to piece everything together. The Adipose family knows that this is against the Shadow Proclamation, so why keep the nanny?

Millions of Adipose were wobbling around on the street. The repulsed people surrounded them. A spaceship appeared to pick them on.
Donna and the Doctor rushed to the roof. She asked, "What you going to do then? Blow them up?"

"They're just children," I gasped, "They can't help where they come from."

"Oh, that makes a change from last time," Donna looked at me cautiously, "That Martha must've done you good." I smiled sadly.

"She did, yeah. Yeah. She did," he paused, "She fancied me, but I fancied her best friend." The Doctor looked at me with his doe eyes. I wanted to slap him and yell and make him feel what I felt, but there was a small part of me that wanted to run and hug him and forget everything what happened.

"Mad Martha, that one. Blind Martha. Charity Martha." I rolled my eyes. The Adipose noticed us and waved. We waved back. "I'm waving at fat."

"Actually, as a diet plan, it sort of works," I pointed out, "There she is!" Miss Foster floated upwards too, below the little Adipose. She stopped at roof level. "Matron Cofelia, listen to me," the Doctor pleaded.

"Oh, I don't think so, Doctor," she smirked, "And if I never see you again, it'll be too soon."

"Oh, why does no one ever listen. I'm trying to help," he groaned, "Just get across to the roof. Can you shift the levitation beam?"

"What, so that you can arrest me?"

"Just listen. I saw the Adiposian instructions. They know it's a crime, breeding on Earth," the Doctor explained hurriedly, "So what's the one thing they want to get rid of? Their accomplice."

"I'm far more than that," Miss Foster insisted, "I'm nanny to all these children." She gestured widely.

I exclaimed, "Exactly! Mum and Dad have got the kids now. They don't need the nanny anymore." The beam switched off suddenly and Miss Foster's eyes widened. She fell down screaming. I winced at the splat sound.

Donna and the Doctor stayed while I headed for the TARDIS. She hummed at my return. I flew her to the Doctor's.

They were talking so I stayed by the door. "No. Actually, no. But the last time, with Martha, like I said, it, it got complicated," he explained before sighing, "And that was all my fault. I just want a mate."

"You just want to mate?" Donna demanded.

The Doctor looked surprised before repeating, "I just want a mate!"

"You're not mating with me, sunshine!"

"A mate," he stated clearly, "I want a mate."

"I'll leave the mating to Celeste," Donna pointed to me.

"Leave me out of this," I laughed, "This one, all about the mating."

"I never said anything about mating!" I just shook my head and went into the TARDIS. She lead me to the library. I haven't been there since the regeneration.

I heard the Doctor before I saw him. "What did you do?" I asked stolidly. He didn't answer. "What did you do?" I repeated, "I have a bunch ideas, but I-"

The Doctor interrupted me and placed his lips on mine. I reacted quickly and shoved him away. "Ok, that means something bad," I sighed.

"Back with Martha," he said, "I destroyed half her life. I was worried when that would happen to you."

"You destroyed me when you said that," I stammered, "It was hard to pretend things were normal when you said I couldn't love. Doctor, I had family who I loved." I bit my lip. Grabbing my hand, he kissed it gently. "What else?"

"What else what?"

"Doctor, I can tell there's something else," I pointed out.

The Doctor took a deep breath. "After you left, the Titanic, a spaceship, crashed into my TARDIS. There was a girl there, Astrid-"

"You were attracted to her?" I choked out. He nodded. My eyes traveled to the ground. "I think I should leave."

"Celeste, no," he protested, "I want things to go back to normal. And I don't care if you won't say it, but I love you. Forever and ever."

I repeated, "I should leave."


"No!" I interrupted, "You say you love me, Doctor, but you go and canoodle with some girl the moment I leave. I can't trust someone like that." His eyes pleaded with me, but instead of letting him talk, I walked out and left the Doctor.

Realizing something, I went back in. "This isn't healthy," I stated, "What we have. I think we should stop....being with each other."

"I want you to stay."

"And I can't stay."

"One trip," he offered, "One trip with Donna and then you decide, all right?"


"One trip."

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