The people in it weren't good either. His parents have become people who have given him anxiety, depression, and PTSD. They're the people that have been making his life a living hell since he could remember. The people who never truly or genuinely cared about him-the people that wouldn't miss him if his next suicide attempt was a success.

The thought alone stung.

When the car came to a slow stop, Taehyung was slapped back into reality, causing him to look through the windshield of the car and eye the house before him. Jimin out the car in park and unlocked the doors for the younger male to get out, but Taehyung wasn't moving due to the fear and panic that was spiking and taking over his body-clouding his mind into some smog that he couldn't see through.

Jimin looked at him through the rearview mirror, eyebrows pulling together as he took notice in his best friend's panicky state. He looked from him to the house, then back at him, his confused expression never faltering-never leaving as he watched the male stare at the house with so much fear in his eyes.

Usually, Jimin would question something like this-when he realized Taehyung was on the verge of having an anxiety attack, but he knew Taehyung wouldn't answer any of the questions he would have for him. It was usual for the younger brunette boy to shrug off all of their questions about life at home, saying and trying to convince them he was doing just fine and that he and his parents just don't necessarily talk-but he never once did say they got along.

Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok assumed he and his parents got along, because he never came to them and complained about them for whatever reason. He came to school acting as if everything going on in his life was perfect and he couldn't be happier-until the bullying started. Now Taehyung came to school dreading it and trying to find every excuse in the book to avoid being there, but it was either school and endure the bullying, or stay home everyday and endure the abuse happening there.

"Tae?" He was punched back into reality by the sound of Jimin's voice ringing through his ears and echoing through the silent car, causing him to look up and meet a pair of brown eyes full of concern through the mirror. "We're here. Are you okay?" Jimin asked, noticing the drastic change in his best friend.

Taehyung looked back at the white two story house in front of them before meeting Jimin's eyes once again, slowly nodding as he grabbed his bag from beside him and opening the door. All of his moves were hesitant, each time wanting to ask Jimin if he could just crash at his place for the night, but he knew he would want to be alone with Yoongi since they barely see each other besides during school.

He took in a deep breath as his eyes fluttered closed for a brief second; trying to calm his nerves before he had a full blown anxiety attack right in the backseat of his best friend's car. "Thanks... for the ride, Chim," he said, voice barely audible as he thanked the male, earning a nod as a response, Jimin's conceded expression never faltering. "I'll, uh... see you guys tomorrow."

The boys nodded as they watched Taehyung slowly make his way out of the car, the door soon slamming shut behind him before he began to take his time walking up the stairs to his front porch; stopping right in front of the door. Jimin didn't leave the whole time, his eyes not being able to be torn from the terrified male he called his best friend. All he could do was watch with curiousness, wondering why Taehyung was suddenly acting weird.

But when Taehyung disappeared behind the door, he shrugged it off and pulled out of the driveway, while Yoongi went back to his phone. Even though both males were curious as to why Taehyung was acting weird so suddenly, they decided not to worry about it as they made their way back to the younger's house, Jimin's eyes occasionally looking through the mirrors and his gaze landing on the house before he could no longer see it.

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