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Duh duh. Duh duh. Duuuuuh duh duh. Doo doo doo duh duh duh duh duh duh doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo. (Doo doo doo) Doo doo doo doo. (Doo doo doo) Doo doo doo doooo doo. I answered the FaceTime.
"What. Do you want. At 3 in the morning. I will murder your bloodline."
" I just wanted to know if we were still going to to go as matching outfits for Halloween. " I facepalmed.
"Of course, doofus. And, hey," I said, pausing. " I might miss you. But only a little. " I blushed.
"Aw, don't be embarrassed! We are best friends after all! But I am the better one.." he said slyly.
"Try me, weakling." He laughed.
"Alright, see you when school starts for the second year." I smiled and waved. I hung up. I can't believe I won't see him for a whole 2 months.. Ugh. Boring summer, here we come.
I groaned.
"It's too hot in here.."
" Yeah.. " agreed Ally.
"I'm not walking back to my house.. It will be even hotter outside. Ugh.." I said, leaning against the railing. "Well, guess I'll just buy some more stu-" I shrieked and I toppled over the railing.
"Y/N!" Ally called. I kept falling, knowing nothing could save me now. I just hit the ground and die. Guess I'll be dying earlier than I should. I felt my body hit something. But.. I was still alive.
"Oof!" I said. I looked up and saw a guy caught me. I quickly scrambled out of his arms and thanked him.
" It's really no problem. By the way, my name's Aivon! "
"Nice to meet you Aivon, my name's Y/N."
" Y/N.. Y/N.. Hey! You're that girl from school that got that scholarship! " I blushed and nodded, obviously flustered. "That's really amazing! UA is so cool!"
" I know, right? I'll get to become a hero and save people! Defeat villains! So cool! Hey, " I said, noticing Ally running towards me. " I have to go, but here's my number, " I said, grabbing his phone and typing it into my contacts. "See ya!" I said, Ally now grabbing my wrist and dragging me.
" Lucky. So, so lucky. "
"Oh, yeah, that catch was lucky!"
" No, he's obviously interested in you! " I shook my head violently.
"No way. No possible way."
" Yuh huh! I'll go ask him out right now for you! "
"Wait what. Wait. Ally. Wait! NO!" I said running after her.
" Hey, my friend here wants to ask you out. So, what do you think? "
"Sure, we can meet at Miguells."
" See, I told you he's say- wait huh? You said yes? Oh my gosh, this is my first actual date I need to get ready! Quick, come! " I said, dragging Ally out of the store. I ran home with Ally with me. Once we were in my bedroom, I asked her how to dress.
"You need a fancy dress but not too fancy," she said, picking apart my wardrobe. I just watched in despair. " Perfect! " she said after a long while. She handed me a knee length black dress.

(Ngl kind of proud of this drawing)
"Are you sure?" I asked.
" Positive, " she replied. I sighed.
"Shoot, it's five, got to go!" I said, waving to her. " raid the fridge if you need!! " I said before closing the door. I walked to Miguells and waited for Aivon. He is supposed to be here in 3 minutes. I waited around and he still wasn't here. I started to give up hope.
"Hey, Y/N, sorry for being late! My family was fighting.."
"Oh, it's quite alright! Let's head in inside, shall we?" He nodded and smiled. It was a nice one, but it wasn't quite a Denki smile, either. We got our seats and ordered our food. I gobbled mine down, not used to eating in public. Alvin chuckled. I smiled a nervous smile.
" Ah, it's getting late, I should probably head back, " I said, looking at my watch.
"Oh, then let me walk you home."
" Oh but if course, my good sir. " I said in a British accent. We both laughed, payed, and made our way out. We walked back in complete silence. But it wasn't awkward. It was a good silence. We arrived at my door. "Well, we're here. Goodnight." I said, waving, but I didn't move. Neither did he. We just locked eyes. I went a kissed his cheek. He blushed.
" I know we only had one date, but, um.. I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend! " I smiled.
"Yes! I'd love to!" I hugged him and we both went on our ways. Wait, did I just say yes? It just.. Happened. I mean, yeah, he's a great guy, but I don't like him in that way, so why did I say yes? I was confused but went upstairs. Poor Ally. She probably got bored. I plopped down on th bed and curled up with my Pikachu pillow, waiting for summer break to get done with. I started to fall asleep.
I woke up. I looked at my phone. 43 missed calls? I must've been tired. I looked to see who they were from. They were from..
"DENKI!" I shouted and immediately called him. Pick up, pick up, pick up! I thought as my heart raced.
" Hello? "
---Kaminari POV---
" Y/N! WHY DID YOU IGNORE MY CALLS! I was worried SICK! " I saw her look down.
"On a date.. With my boyfriend.." Boyfriend. That word hit me like a brick for some reason. In any other circumstances, it would've been fine. But it wasn't. I couldn't figure out why.
"I, uh.. have to go. See you." I said, hanging up. I didn't have to go. I didn't. So why did I say that? I don't know. Midoriya looked at me concerned.
"Kaminari, what happened?"
" Nothin g, just a little sick to the stomach, heh.. "
"Oh, do you want to go to Recovery Girl with me when we get to school? " I shook my head. I continued walking down the smooth, paved streets of this beautiful place called Japan.
"Damnit.." I mumbled.
" Huh? "
" K - Kaminari? Are you okay? Is something wr-"
"I'm fine, Midoriya. Just leave me al-" I stopped mid sentence. "I just need some time alone, okay?" He nodded and started to walk to class without me. I looked down and tears flooded my eyes.flood
"Yo, Kaminari, bro? Are you okay?" I looked up and wiped my tears.
" I'm fine. Let's go, Sero. " I continued down the road without saying a word. We finally arrived at the gate. Sero started to walk in, but when he saw I wasn't, he stopped and headed backwards.
"Dude, seriously. What's up?"
" Nothing, I'm fine. " I said, putting on a fake smile.
"Oh, um, okay then ," he said, heading back in. After a few moments of contemplating, I went in and took my seat.
---Y/N POV---
I tried calling.
"DAMNIT, KAMINARI! PICK UP!" Whatever, I'll text Aivon.
" hey. ^.^"

"oh hey. how are you?"


bad. :( my online friend wont pick up. its stupid."

" well, thats mean. oh, i gtg. seeya. "

Oh. Well, I guess I'm alone now. I wish my mom wasn't an international hero. Ugh. It would make being bored not a thing. I clicked my tongue as I though of fun things to do. Being an only child was the worst. Shit, Kaminari! Why the hell won't you pick up? I heard my ringtone. I immediately ran over, jumped on my bed, and pressed answer.
"KAMINARI! I MISSED YOU!" I said, overlyexcited to see him. He just looked down. " A- are you okay, Denki? " He made a shaky breath.
"Hey, um, I can't.. Talk to you anymore.. I'm sorry." What.
" Wait. Wait, Kaminari, what do you mean? Kaminari? " I said, tears now building up in my eyes. "Denki.. Please. Don't leave me. I can't be alone."
" You're not alone, you have your boyfriend. Isn't he enough? " My eyes widened as tears fell down my cheek and onto the bed.
"Kaminari, he isn't you! He isn't my best friend! He isn't the person I care about more than anyone!" I said, trying to get him to stay on the line.
" I'm sorry. "
"I'M GOING TO UA! YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME THEN! WHAT ABOUT MINETA OR BAKUGOU? WILL YOU JUST STAND THERE IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME? JUST NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN?" I yelled at him. He hung up. He.. hung up. He ignored me and hung up. I looked at the wall with a blank expression. For once in my life, I feel nothing. Nothing at all. No happiness, no sadness, no anger, no hate, no nothing. It was gone. It disappeared within a matter of a minute. Hopefully.. Maybe.. We'll still have matching outfits.. Because Pikachu would never leave me alone.

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