Old Soldier - 76 x NB! Reader

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Requested by @ArtistofFiction  Sorry about how long this took!!

You'd never much like the base all that much. Sure, it was home, you had lived there so long that you no longer had a different name for it. But just because it was home, didn't mean it needed to be welcoming in the slightest.

It had long, cold, metal hallways that only led to much too cold personal quarters and large expanses like the mess hall or shooting range. The only kind of "decoration" present was the long stripes of orange and blue paint that littered the walls and large holograms to inform members of only what was necessary.

Of course, that wasn't what made you feel at home, what made you feel at home was the friends, and even family, you made there. Even the sleek metal walls couldn't contain the bouncing laughter of your team mates, or every admittedly awful joke one of them would crack.

You also loved the built in gym, Reinhardt would always make sure to spot Zarya when he thought she would be taking on a little more than she could handle, yet she never seemed to need the help. Lucio would constantly be on the treadmill humming his next big song in the works while pretending to dj on the spot. Commander Reyes would of course go strait for the punching bags when they weren't occupied, whenever someone would ask him why, he'd reply, "anger management," everyone got the message pretty early on.

You on the other hand absolutely adored doing anything having to do with upper body strength, of course you made sure your core and legs were strong, but when it came to lifting, lets just say you could rival Zarya in an arm wrestle.

Pull ups were your favorite, popping in your earbuds and doing way too many sets to count was how you loved to start off your day, it was comforting in an odd way, it let you melt into your music and almost be connected with your friends, even if you weren't talking you shared a collective goal. It was always so nice. Except for when you got, distracted.

In the recent days Morrison would come to the gym much more rather than run on the track like usual. He never liked to work out in the gym, and would even run in the rain, sometimes you thought he would do it out of spite, but some part of you found it almost admirable, the pure determination of standing by something as simple as running every day.

while he was in the gym, he'd do five sets of twenty push ups, three sets of fifteen squats, and do a few planks to finish off. He never seemed to deviate from this regular routine, and the only reason you mesmerized it was because he practiced this routine in nearly your direct line of sight while doing your own work out. Only failing to see him while doing wall squats and other miscellaneous exercises, but for the most part, you nearly always saw him, becoming the butt of your friend's jokes on one too many occasions.

You didn't know if they made fun of you because you would accidentally ogle him, or because he would often eat lunch with you around the time the two of you finished off, and the way he seemed to compliment your form must've meant he would watch you too.

Never the less you'd brush it off, always saying that he did it to other team members too, which couldn't be less of the truth, but they'd always reply that "oh no, it was the way he looked at you," which only perplexed you more, especially when some of your more secluded team mates would say the same thing. The fact that your cheeks seemed to slightly change hue only egged them on more, sending them into a roaring laughter with empty threats to tell Morrison of what had been said.

You wouldn't admit to them that you secretly enjoyed the idea of being romantically involved with the ex-commander. They way he spoke to you, how he sounded, and you couldn't even get started on his beautiful face. You made an effort on trying to ignore him, but no matter how hard you tried, you always seemed to be drawn to him, and every little kind gesture he would make sent your heart into a frenzy.

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