Old Friend - McCree x Reader

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Admittedly, you were a bit surprised to be in overwatch's head quarters, especially since it had been outlawed some years ago.  Being handcuffed to a cold metal chair in a desolate room wasn't exactly new to you, but it wasn't quite welcome either.

The last time you were in this situation was when you got tangled with deadlock, you'd never forget the feeling of Ashe's gun on the temple of your head.

But that was the past, this was now, and you were still trying to figure out why you were there in the first place.  It's not like you've been caught up in criminal activity recently, hell, you even had an honest job.

A sigh escaped you as the clock ticked away, it felt like you had been in there for hours, you haven't even seen someone in that room since they cuffed you there in the first place.

Boredom came to a halt when the doorknob jingled, your head immediately snapped to the door in surprise.  For a minute there you thought no one would be coming, thankfully, you were wrong.

The door slid open as a large man stepped into the room staring intently at a clipboard, or you could only guess where he was staring due to the visor shielding his eyes.  A similar mask came along with it, you almost instantaneously recognized the man as soldier 76, he had been all over the news in your parts.

This only threw you for a bigger loop, why would someone as important as soldier 76 be supposedly interrogating you?  You soon found out as he started to speak, now sitting across from you in another chair, his arms rested on the table.

"You might be wondering why you're here."  He started with a raise of his eyebrows, gesturing to you as he did.

"It's nothing too serious, we just wanted to propose an offer of sorts.  You see, you've been recommended to be apart of a reformed overwatch by one of our best memebers."  The words were only slightly muffled by the mask but cut through you like glass.  Who would care about you enough in overwatch to recommend you, much less know you.

"Excuse me for this, but what do you mean by that, sir?" You added in the last part out of habit, deadlock managed to pound that kind of thing into you, at least you didn't call him boss.

He chuckled at your statement, clearly amused at your rection to his implications.

"Well you were in deadlock the same time as him.  You've heard of Jesse McCree, correct?"

The name caught you off guard more than you'd like to admit.  You sure as hell remembered him, but were quite confused that you held any significance to him.

You nodded at his question, unable to work up the nerve to confirm with actual words, you'd never thought you would ever be close to deadlock again.  The fact that you were scared you to your wits end.

Deadlock was never good to you, they made you join due to needing more members.  Your family couldn't care less, sooner rather than later you found yourself in a gang for quite a lot of long grueling years.

Soldier snapped you out of your thoughts by continuing his offer.

"We'd like you to be a part of overwatch.  McCree has told me a lot about you, all you'd need is to train a bit."

"What if I decline?" You quickly snapped back, not too keen on joining their ranks.

He hesitated for a moment, mulling over your quick question, "you don't exactly have a choice."

An iron ball formed in your stomach, dread flew over you while confusion brew inside of you.

"You have an extensive criminal record with deadlock, it has conveniently been resurfaced and we'd like to cover it up." He said in a mocking tone, your hero turned into your enemy.  You soon saw why he was so feared.

Hesitation lingered over you, you didn't have much of a choice, throwing all caution to the wind you spoke up.

"I'd love to join, boss."

"Now that's what I like to hear, rookie." He said through clenched teeth, now ruffling your hair as he began to leave the room.

"Wait! You're just leaving me here?" You exclaimed, confused on why you were still handcuffed to the chair.

"Someone else will be dealing with you, I just needed to tell you that you'd be joining overwatch." He said through a smile that was heard more then seen, obviously knowing what your answer would be before you even said it.

You sighed into your hands, slouching in your seat as you waited for this mystery person to come and free you from the wretched hand cuffs.

Thankfully you didn't wait nearly as long this time around, the door opening only a few minutes after the old soldier had left, the person who walked in had left you speechless.

You didn't expect to see him so soon, but boy how he had grown, when you last saw Jesse McCree he was just a boy, young and naive.  Now he was much older, and by the looks of it he learned a thing or two, definitely not the little boy that would follow Ashe around everywhere.

McCree quickly noticed your gawking, but he was as amazed with you as you were with him.  You'd both heavily matured from deadlock, even though the two of you never even spoke, you had a mutual understanding, knowing that you were both young people on the wrong side of the tracks. 

"Jesse?" You squeaked out, your expression full of wonder and nostalgia, "Jesse McCree? S'that you?"

He simply nodded at your statement, a small smile found your face as he sat across from you, taking his hat off before sitting down.  He'd always do that, take his hat off in professional settings, or whenever he was at a loss for words, same old McCree. "So," you started, partially at a loss for words at the sight of the man, "overwatch, huh?"

He chuckled a bit at your blunt statement, nodding a bit while he messed with his serape, "yeah, even I'm amazed that I've been 'ere so long."

You sighed at his response, honestly happy that he was able to find some sort of family outside of the gang, even if it was still violent in some aspects.

"Hey, Jesse," you started, he glanced at you as a form of response, "why'd you recommend me to overwatch in the first place? I'm not exactly the best soldier around."

The cowboy seemed a bit hesitant at answering your question, he obviously had a reason, one that you were dying to know.

"Well," he started, scratching the back of his head, clearly nervous, "I always noticed how great you were out on the field, you always seemed so focused and you carried yourself well.  I thought you'd be a great addition to the team."  The last part was a bit quieter, yet his southern drawl was clearer then ever.

You blushed at this a bit, you'd never talked to him much, mostly just observing and taking note of his behaviors, apparently he did the same to you.  You both had a mutual interest in each other, you must've considering he remembered you after all this time.

"Well, I'm glad I've been in your mind this long, you've certainly been in mine,"  you averted your eyes, not too eager to face the man you've admired for so long, especially after what you just said.

You saw a fierce blush take over the man in your peripherals, he began to scratch his head as he looked at the ceiling, he certainly wasn't expecting that.

"How bout I take yer cuffs off," he squeaked out, a bit of bewilderment lingered in his voice as he stood up, key in hand.

A light smile played on your lips, a bit satisfied that you were able to catch the huge flirt off guard, especially to this extent.

After jumbling with the keys, the cowboy managed to unlock you from your imaginary ball and chain.

You rubbed your wrists as you stared up at the man, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

"How about you show me around the place, I'd love to see where you've been all this time."  You said, feeling like your heart would jump out of your chest any minute.

He smiled back, his gloved hand finding yours as he planted a small kiss on it, eyes meeting your own as he said, "I'd like that very much, (Y/N)."

Word count: 1447

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