CHAPTER 59: Buy a castle in England

Start from the beginning

It's time we each got our car. Besides, where else is all that money gonna go, right?

Kidding, I'm actually not that much of a spender.

"Stop looking at my car like that or I'll kick you out," Caleb mutters as we both get in and he starts driving. I chuckle as I put my seatbelt on.

"It is a piece of shit, Caleb. You of all people should know that. Thought you were a big fan of cars?"

"Well, I am. But, sue me for wanting to be independent. I don't want any of my father's hot-shot cars lest he starts taunting me again for using his luxuries but not giving him the required respect." He says and blows out a breath through his mouth frustratingly. "Don't worry. I'm saving up for another one."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." He says and winks at me, making my insides flutter at his sight. Dressed in a blue dress shirt and beige pants, he looks absolutely ravishing-

Uh oh.

I desperately need to go to church.

In a few minutes, we all meet up and advance towards the main school hall where the ceremony would commence. I give Jason a quick hug before he has to go and sit with the rest of the graduating students.

"Kill it."

"Thanks, sis."

As he walks away, the rest of us meet up with Maddie and the other boys. Velvety blue chairs are arranged horizontally all across the hall and a few black chairs for the faculty members and the Principal as well, on the stage. Soon enough, my ears buzz with drones of conversations of loud families and their irritating kids. We sit a few seats behind Jason and his group, so I would have a clear view of him. Even from afar, I cannot miss his teeth sinking into his lower lip with worry along with his twiddling thumbs.

What does he even have to worry about? He just got to know of the mammoth fortune he's inherited, he's graduating and that too as a valedictorian. I have doubts concerning whether or not I'll even graduate, bearing in mind my rock-bottom grades. It will be practically known as a miracle if I even manage to get an A in even one of my classes. My grades, I'm sure, will be questionable to many people.

Why? Why would Summer Jones get such low grades despite her smart brothers?

Oh, you wanna know why?

Let's see. Firstly, my father passed away and triggered the downfall of my education, leaving me in a house with three brothers that I never even had a decent ten-minute conversation with for years. On top of that, when I finally had some sort of balance and normalcy in my life, my mendacious mother decided to amble in with her avaricious mind.

Pre-eminent answer, no?

A nudge on my elbow breaks the chain of thoughts my mind is harboring after seeing the entire graduating-high-school scene. My eyes meet Caleb's interrogative gaze and I look away, waving at the stage in front of me.

"I'm just taking in everything."

"Liar. You're doing that thing where your eyebrows are drawn together in worry."

"I am not worrying."

"You are."

"What do I have to worry about?"

"You tell me."

I sigh and close my eyes, leaning my head on the back of the velvety chair. "Will I ever graduate?"

"Of course, you will. What makes you think otherwise?"

I chuckle dryly and shake my head. "Hello, have you seen my grades? I will be glad if the teachers even allow me to sit for an exam."

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