--- CHAPTER 2 --- Bus Folded Paper

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The next day.

Different from yesterday, the sun's smile is not very bright today because some clouds have decided to hang out in front of him.

Even though that day is not that hot compared to yesterday, Andry still decided to use the bus because,

"Andry! Sorry have you waited long?" shouted a girl.

"Oh Stephanie! Don't worry, I also just arrived" replied Andry.

That day, Andry took the bus because she already promised her friend, Stephanie, to go together to the university.

"Let's get in the bus!" after Andry said that the two of them got in the bus.


Lucky! She uses this bus again today!


I should be happy right now, if not only...


"Yeah, lets" said Stephanie to Andry.

She's with her friend today!? Why!? Thought a boy while moving in the direction of the bus.


There goes my chance to talk to her today...

But I will not give up, but how can I talk to her right now?

The boy got in the bus, and then he saw that his target is seated at 4th row near the window again with her friend, so he sat across them. But because the seat near the window already have passenger in it. so he reluctantly sat in the outer seat. He was reluctant because he was afraid that the girl would notice him, but he had no other choice, so he still sat there.

And after the last passenger have got in, the driver started the engine like always and off they go.


Maybe I should just ask her name right away?

But there's her friend...

Or I can just ask for her friend's name too?

But that would make me look creepy just asking their name out of the blue...

Usually, when people went with bus, they would just look at their smartphone, talking with friend or just sleep. Because the passengers have to wait until they arrived, their time in the bus is like their rest time.

But from all the passengers,

One boy is restless.

Oh my gosh, I'm thinking too much I haven't realised the next stop is my stop!

Arghhhh now what do I do!?


I know! I should just write her a letter!

After that, he rummaged his bag searching for whatever paper he could use to write.

I forgot to bring my pen! Why does it have to be today of all place!

I'll need to borrow a pen! Looks like the man besides me brought a pen.

And then the boy asked the man beside him.

"Excuse me sir, do you by any chance, brought a pen? If so, can I borrow it?" asked him.

"Oh! Actually I am! What's with that paper in your hand? Ahh so you want to write a letter eh?" replied the man loudly.

"Not so loud! Or she will he-"

"So I'm right!" said the man again.

"Never mind that! Let me borrow the pen for a second" said the boy.

Luckily she is currently talking with her friend, I just hope she didn't hear this man's shout.

Oh yeah! No time! I have to write fast!

After that the boy took the pen and then started to write.


The bus finally stopped at the boy's destination. And then the boy got up, then he approached the girl.

My heart is beating so fast! But this is my only chance!

He lifted his hand toward the girl, and then said.

"Here, this is for you" and after saying that he rushed to the door.


Bus Folded PaperWhere stories live. Discover now