Chapter Five: Stalking~

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I am waiting for Masataka Kubota on a corner. Who is the one who played Light in the Live Action Drama Series. I call the others as I wait.

Ash: Kira to Squad!

I say over the Walkie talkie.

Mello: here!

Ash: Got a lead?

Mello: No.

Misa: Me either.

Jack: Nothing here.

I sigh. I then see him.

Ash: Cord Red! I repeat Cord Red!

Near: Go, go, go!

I put the Walkie talkie in my pocket and follow him in a hurry. He is walking then I step when he stops. I hide behind a corner and sigh. Hopefully he didn't see me. I then look down and see a black cat. It looks at me. I stupidly crouch and pet it. It has a collar and a tag. I look at it and find out it's name. Nightfall. I gasp and stand up.

I pull out my Walkie talkie.

Ash: BB is on to us.

Matsuda: What?!

Ash: There's a black cat right next to me and it's Nightfall.

Mello: Crap!

I look around to corner to look for Kubota, but he isn't there. I mentally curse at myself. There's is no time to worry about this damn cat! I put my Walkie talkie and rush from the corner. I look around knowing the cat is following me. Someone suddenly grabs me arm and slams me against a wall. I look up with a glare, but then I stop when I say who it. It's Masataka Kubota. He is staring at me. I can't help it, but I'm shaking. Kira is shaking from being pin down by the actor he played him!
Pathetic! Nightfall  is staring at the back of him.

Masataka  Kubota: Come with me.

I nod and follow him to a maid café. We sit down. I order an hot tea and he orders the same. The cat sits on my lap. I avert my eyes to the table so I won't meet his gaze. This is really pathetic! I mean I'm the real Light! Why am I so afraid of this guy! He's not me!! Suddenly everyone's phones went off. GREAT JUST GREAT! I glare at the cat in my lap. I don't answer my phone. I'm supposed to be uncover! WHY CAN'T ANYTHING GO MY FUCKING AWAY!!

Masataka Kubota: Aren't you go answer that.

I want so badly to say no! Because I know who is on the line! And I know Kubota knows too! I give him a shape look.

Ash: Do you?

He glares at me. I glare back. The phones still go off. He sighs. He takes his phone out and puts it on speak phone.

Masataka Kubota: Hello?

BB: Ahh, Kubota-kun! It's a pleasure to here your voice.

I swear I'm gonna kill him!

BB: I bet you're wondering why I called you. Well, there's someone there that you should know very well! Hell you even played as him.

Ash: BB don't you-

BB: Did I just hear him? I think I did. Put him on the phone.

He sounds so fucking joyful. Kubota gives me the phone. I take it.

Ash: What is it that you want, BB?

He giggles then his voice turns sinister.

BB: You know exactly what I want, Light-kun.

L meets Light again (LawLight Fanfic Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now