"Oh thanks Di," Ariana took a quick sip and put her mug on the coffee table. She winced as she sat back up.

"You alright?" Dianna asked concerned as she and Caitlin sat next to Ariana.

"My back is killing me," Ariana sighed as she leaned back into the couch, trying to get comfortable. "I think I need to lay down for a little bit."

"Go ahead honey; I'll keep an eye on Caitlin. The guys should be back soon from the slopes soon anyway."

"Thanks Dianna, I really appreciate it," Ariana replied as she slowly lifted herself off of the couch which was no easy task at this late stage of her pregnancy.

"Mommy feel better," Caitlin waved with a bright smile plastered on her face. "Bye baby."

Ariana smiled at her adorable little girl, "Bye honey, I love you. I'm just going to nap for a little bit."

"Otay, I already took my nap today," Caitlin responded afraid she would be dragged into another.

"I know honey you don't have to take another, wake me if you need anything Di," Ariana began to head out of the room.

"We'll be fine," Dianna answered her friend. "So kiddo, what do you want to do?"

"Can I have more marshmallows?" Caitlin asked innocently.

A few hours later and Jai and Luke were finally back from their day of snow boarding.

"Where have you guys been? I thought you'd be back hours ago," Dianna placed her hands on her hips as she glared at the two snow covered men.

"Yeah Daddy," Caitlin mimicked Dianna.

"There's like a blizzard Di!" Luke exclaimed as he began taking off his snow gear. "It took us forty five minutes to drive back," Luke explained when it usually should only take five; they were very close to the resort which owned their rental cabin.

"Oh my god, you're kidding," Dianna was shocked.

"Where's Ariana?" Jai asked as he too took off his wet coat.

"Mommy's sweeping, her back hurted her," Caitlin told her daddy.

"Is she alright?" Jai asked, concerned looking to Dianna for confirmation.

"Oh yeah she's fine Troy. I think she's just a little tired. We took Caitlin ice skating and she actually got out on the ice with her," Dianna replied.

"I no like the structor dude," Caitlin scrunched up her nose at the thought; she needed her mommy to help her ice skate too.

"Dianna!" Ariana's scream startled the group.

It didn't take long for Jai to respond to his wife, he ran down the hallway and up the stairs in his boots, not caring that he dragged snow everywhere. He burst into the room where Ariana was sitting up in bed clutching her back.

"What happened Ari?" he was by her side in an instant.

"I'm in labor," Ariana cried as she clutched her belly.

"What? But you're only thirty six weeks!"

"I know that!" Ariana screamed back, "But I'm definitely in labor! I thought I was just having back pains but they're real contractions. Jai, its too soon."

"Its ok Ari," Jai kissed her cheek and held her hand. "You're pretty far along, the baby will be fine."

"We need to get to the hospital, these contractions are coming really fast," Ariana felt the tears surface.

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