meet up again

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Liz's Pov~

after a hour or so at the con Rachel and Liz where getting hungry. " lets get some food yea " Rachel said to get Liz's mind of the Bakugo cosplayer. Liz nodded as they walked out the building and heading to McDonald's.

" I'll get us a table " Nikki said as she looked around and went to find one that was free. as Liz and Rachel headed to the counter to order their meals. " what should we get? " Liz asked as she was trying to see where Nikki sat down. " how about three big mac's? " Rachel said as she pulled out quite of big load of money.

" if your buying them we can " Liz said as she smiled and put her own purse away. " yea sure, i have to get rid of this money at some point " Rachel said as she ordered the food and told Liz to go sit down. As Rachel walked over with the food she also had three big diet cokes on the tray.

Amanda's Pov~

" don't stress Amy, we'll go to McDonald's and get some food you look hungry " Emma said as Amanda nodded and put most of her things away in her bag, as she was about to remove her wig until A.J stopped her. " wear our cosplay outfits out for once " he suggested strangely as he made sure Amanda's wasn't messed up at all.

" fine sure, i don't really mind " Amanda said as she picked her bag up and headed out the con entrance with Emma and A.J, she put her My Hero Academia Jacket on as she got outside since it was cold. " whoa i wasn't expecting this wind " Emma said as she put her hood up probably ruining her wig or getting it wet

" same " said A.J as he put his own hood up and followed Amanda into McDonald's. " I'll pay and order for us what do you want Amanda? " Emma said pulling out some money as Amanda gave her twenty quid towards the meal. " I'll have a veggie wrap and a orange juice please Emma " Amanda said smiling while looking at her friend.

" and I'll have nuggets and fries " A.J said as Emma looked at him confused. " who said i was paying for you? " she sassed as he shown a hurt expression on his face. " no fair you buy Amanda food and not me " he pouted as Amanda laughed as she did she noticed someone look at her. " you again why did you follow us you stalker? " the girl asked as she got up and walked over to Amanda who only just noticed the former blonde haired Female.

as Todoroki and Bakugo argued in front of everyone, they was wondering how no one had asked about the costumes or wigs. " I'm not stalking you, i came here for food " Amanda defended as the smaller girl walked over who was dressed as Izuku. " Liz she followed us here " the Todoroki cosplayer said. so her name is Liz Amanda thought as she was glad i knew her name now.

" i didn't ugh..i was trying to get away from you " Amanda defended again as Emma came to her side and rubbed her back for her. " Leave Amanda alone she doesn't want to talk with you " Emma said exposing her real name she sighed and walked away with her.


shit and short i know but I've been busy, I'll update again when i can

hope you like this story so far~

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