You Murderer... -Chapter 11- SHORT

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All there was on TV was a few cooking shows, a football game and some reality TV show, I wasn't interested in any. My mind was set on trying to figure everything out. How could our situation even be possible? Unless there was some kind of mix up, I couldn't see how it could work out.


After a few hours of pondering, my decision was to go back and help Luke. I had a shower and a snack before going out to start the car. Luke would need to get home somehow too, wouldn't he?


The car drive was really dull alone, so I almost jumped for joy upon seeing Charlette's house. But the thought of Charlette herself still made me a little uneasy. Like, does this mean she's some kind of ghost? Oh my god! And Luke was in there!


I bolted for the door breathing heavily, not bothering to knock, and burst in.


“Luke! I'm here!” I said in a breathless voice. I was sure he probably couldn't hear me from wherever he was at point in time anyway.


After ascending the stairs and searching up there, I came back down to search. There was no one in any of the downstairs rooms that I searched. I searched them all but the dining room and kitchen. This was exactly like when Luke and I were searching for Charlie, Déjà vu!


I could hear the sounds of people moving and talking, then it stopped. Maybe they heard me. I walked silently in the dining room, expecting for both of them to look up at me or something. But instead, what I saw by just peeking around the archway, was Charlie and Luke full on kissing!


I just couldn't contain a gasp, which effectively broke them apart. I sniffled, wiping my eyes and started to jog back out towards the foyer. I heard voices yelling after me and footsteps but I didn't stop.


Grabbing my jacket off the rack, I exited the house and slammed the door behind me.


How could he do that to me, right after he told me he didn't like me?! He could have just hurt me temporarily by telling the truth and saying he did like Charlie instead of hurting me more by lying and saying he didn't!


It didn't matter anyway. I was severing contact with him. At least until he gave me some amazing excuse that would make me forgive him, which I doubted would happen. Maybe he wouldn't even notice I wasn't talking to him. Even though I was completely pissed at him, the thought made me tense up a little.


But I would have to move on from this, eventually. I dug my phone out of my purse and searched through the phone book for the number I wanted.


"Hello, I'd like to book a flight to Sydney.”


Oh freak! I'm appalled at myself as to how freaking short this is!!!! I'm definitely uploading again very soon because this is just unacceptable *punches self*

I feel awful.

But keep reading! Because things are only just getting interesting!

But I'm really not sure if this is going to be done in time for Watty Award. But probably because i'm awesome like that. It should be done, there's not much chapters left to do. 10-14. Even though I'm really not that concerned about how long it is, I just want to be done before 31st Dec!!!

xoxoxo ♥

You Murderer...; Juniors TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now