“Lucas this can’t be possible, for her to be bound and fated to both us is something that has never happened. This is dangerous.” Jonah growled in my ear. We were by the window in the library, speaking quickly while Tahleyah nestled in the couch by the fire. I studied her features. He pale skin and naturally rosy cheeks, long thick black eyelashes and bright green eyes. Her face was framed by the deep red curls escaping the messy bun pinned on top of her head. Her beauty shone, more than I had ever seen on a normal human girl, or any vampire for that matter.


“Lucas!” Jonah’s sharp tone dragged me out of my reverie and I snapped my eyes back towards him.


“Well I have no clue, you’re the reader, maybe theres something in the books.” I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. My nonchalant facade was far from true. I was freaking out inside. What does this mean? I either have to claim her or Jonah has to mate her. I can’t let her be claimed by my brother but I know he doesn’t want me to claim her either.


The door opened and I heard silver clatter to the floor. Both Jonah and I crouched into fighting positions, but what we saw at the door was not what we expected. The youngest slave girl in our mansion was suspended in the air, her tray and its contents spread out on the floor.


I looked to Tahleyah and saw her eyes closed, daydreaming. Jonah rushed to the girl but she would not move when he tugged on her arm. Slowly I shook Tahleyah and whispered her name. I lay my hand on her forearm and she jolted awake. My eyes searched her face frantically. The girl dropped to the floor causing a loud thud and Tahleyah whipped her head around to stare into the girls lifeless eyes.


I called her name and softly coaxed her to look at me. her eyes filled with tears and sobs wracked her thin body. She started to go limp in my arms before completely blacking out.

I shook her body and lightly slapped her cheek trying to get her to come back to consciousness. Jonah was knelt next to me shaking her arm, both of us panicking.


Elsie, Helena’s eldest daughter, ran in shoving both Jonah and I away before Jacky, Helena’s son, came in and scooped Tahleyah into his arms, rushing towards the medical wing. That night was the worst, both Jonah and I didn’t leave that room. Both of us were focused on her fluttering heartbeat. We refused the food brought to us, although I tried to convince Jonah to eat. He was getting weaker as his wolf began to take over, the full moon was close.


When Tahleyah’s health was determined normal but she made no move to wake, she was moved to her room, all of the equipment was set up to keep an eye on her vitals and maintain her hydration. We stayed, seated in her room the entire next day. The third day took its toll on Jonah and he passed out and was rushed to the nearest pack house, located in the woods surrounding us. I stayed where I was, not even blinking, for fear of missing the moment her eyes flutter open.


A rough hand was placed on my shoulder but I made no moved to see who it was.

“Lucas,” a familiar voice uttered my name. I moved my eyes slowly to reach the hazel eyes of my most trusted friend. Elijiah. A small smile crept on my tired face as I looked into the eyes of my ancient friend.


“Elijiah, it’s been too long my friend.” My voice came out rough, itching my dry, burning throat. He had a sympathetic smile on his face as he looked to the fragile girl hooked up to various machines. He sat down next to me and sighed.


“Too long, I agree. Though you do not look as I remember. You look to have aged decades Lucas, this is not healthy.” He whispered, eyes still trained on Tahleyah.


I Chuckled deeply. “I feel as if i’ve aged decades El. I don’t feel the need to eat or sleep if she is not here to participate in the simple actions of life with me. I’ve finally found her, the one I am fated to, and now she may not wake up.” My voice broke on the last few words and I held my head with my hands.


“Luca, I know how you feel. I found her too, my angel. I know what is happening to you right now, the guilt and the useless feeling. But you need to take care of yourself. When she wakes up she will need someone strong enough to protect her, don’t you want that person to be you?”

Elijiah was always one for motivational speeches. I chuckled to myself and looked at him standing in front of me.


“She has Jonah too.” I said, watching his face for a reaction. He snorted and shook his head.

“He was nice to her, a girl will always fall for a sensitive boy, but now that she has the mark she will feel more strongly towards you.” he said, matter-of-factly. I slowly shook my head, standing to meet his eyes.


“She is his mate.”


Elijiah looked stunned. His mouth opened then closed. I laughed lightly and put my hand on his shoulder, allowing him to process.


“But that’s impossible,” he whispered with an incredulous look on his face.

“I wish. We’ve never heard of this.”

“No, not that. It’s impossible that he was telling the truth about her.”


“Aventus.” I was far from confused. Elijiah looked at my face and placed both of his hands on my shoulders.

“Lucas! It’s been three days! We have to find out what happened. Your brother has already passed out from hunger and exhaustion and I know you’re close to it. Don’t be stupid.”

I huffed and slowly turned to Tahleyah’s motionless body. I shuffled towards her, grabbing her hand and leaning towards her ear, my hair brushing her nose.

“Please Leyah. If you can hear me, just show me you’re okay. This is draining me.” When she made no movement I sighed and stood up, turning to Elijiah. I mumbled my agreement and we both walked out of the door, closing it softly.

I felt every step I took away from her, every centimetre of distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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