your cute like that

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Nightmares pov○

Now this is interesting... (he was reading killers diary when he came a. "cross" a chapter labeled

How I feel about nightmare

I've had a crush on him for a while but he dosent like me back.. I'm just a low life he hired from the streets.. everytime I do some thing to at least get him to notice I exist I mess up, today I tried to make some cookies for him to at least notice me but I blew up the microwave instead... he got realy mad and even slapped me. I dont know why I'm still trying tho I mean, I'm just his worker.. boss would never like me.. so why do I still try?


Nightmare: interesting.. how about I do a little experiment.

<later that day>

Killers pov○

I woke up to see my diary left open to the page where I had just written in.. I dont remeber leaveing it open but I'm sure that I did, i got dressed and went down stairs to find the house empty exept for boss

Killer: boss? Where is everyone.

Nightmare: mission.

Killer: oh. Do I have a mission I need to go on?

Nightmare: no. (Gets up and walks toward killer) I need to talk to you.

Killer: ok what about?

Nightmare: picks up with tentacles and brings closer to him)

Killer: boss?!

Nightmare: so what is this about your little crush hm?

Killer: w-what crush. I d-dont have a crush on anybody.

Nightmare: you should really learn to hide your diary beter.

Killer: eye sockets widen)

Nightmare: puts hand under chin) oh and by the way, you look cute in those bunny pajamas.

Killer: blushes)

Nightmare: so. How long has this been happening?

Killer: j-just recently sir.

Nightmare: liar (his voice gets deep almost like a growl and his tentacles tighten around killer.)

Killer: top-two years!

Nightmare: there we go. Was that so hard? (Loosens tentacles but dosent put down and brings closer to him)

Killer: b-boss?!

Nightmare: suddenly his look softened and he kisses killer on the top of his head while letting go of him with tentacles and picking him with his arms instead) calm down. You fine.

Killer: b-b-but-

Nightmare: puts tentacle over mouth) calm down.

Killer: stays silent for a min then looks up at him and says) are you just toying with me?

Nightmare: hm? What was that?

Killer: are you just messing with me, like a big joke? And at any second the others would pop out of nowhere and say that this is all a joke..

Nightmare: shakes head) this is not a joke. *nuzzles his head* I promise you that. And you know something?

Killer: yeah..?

Nightmare: your cute like this.

I know your reading this so leave a comment If you want me to do lemon or not for this so friendo when you see this text meeee

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