"Otherwise, She's Gone"

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Previously on Survivor..

On the Tierra tribe, Jasmine was feeling uncomfortable about her position in the game. However, Shirley, Gil, Jake, and Sherman embraced tribe unity. On Fuego, Ahmed, Finn, and George were starting to get uncomfortable with how close Luke and Nadine were. When Fuego lost immunity, George decided to jump ship at the last minute and blindside Luke with Finn and Ahmed.

11 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

Night 15

Fuego - Post-Tribal

(The Fuego tribe returns to camp and sets their torches down)

Finn: I'm sorry, Nadine.

Nadine: It's fine. What's done is done.

George: Do you understand why I did it?

Nadine: No. Why?

(George and Nadine go for a walk)

George: He was kind of a threat. He would probably win all of the Immunity challenges.

Nadine: Luke?

George: Yeah.

Nadine: Maybe you're right. But you have to promise you're with me.

George: I promise.

Nadine: Are you sure?

George: Definitely.

George (CON): If we lose the next Immunity, the decision is entirely up to me. I need to make sure I'm not in that position.

Day 16

Reward Challenge

(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

(The Agua and Tierra tribes walk in and stand on their mats. They look over as the Fuego tribe enters)

Jeff: Agua and Tierra getting their first look at the new Fuego tribe. Luke voted out at the last Tribal Council.

(Shocked murmurs and whispers go on for a while)

Jeff: Are you guys ready to get to your next reward challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

Jeff: For today's challenge, one castaway from each tribe will start at the top of a waterslide. Once I say 'go', I will pull a lever, where a large sandbag in a suspended net will zipline down to a sandpit at the bottom of the slide, and you will then race down the slide into the sandpit. The first two people to get to their tribe's mat with the sandbag in hand scores a point for their tribe. First two tribes to two points wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?

Castaways: What?

Jeff: The winning tribes will receive three chickens! You can eat them immediately, or you can wait. Your chickens, your call, but you gotta win 'em first. Fuego and Agua, you have two extra members. Who's sitting out?

Nadine: I will, Jeff.

Sherman: I think I'll take a break.

Jeff: Nadine for Fuego sitting out and Sherman for Agua also not playing. Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategize, and we'll get started.


1. This first match is Gil (Agua) vs. George (Fuego) vs. Lorraine (Tierra). George is the first person to arrive at the slide, closely followed by Gil. Lorraine comes about ten seconds later. George and Gil search for the sandbag in the sandpit for quite a bit, and Lorraine manages to catch up.  However, Gil finds his sandbag for Agua, followed by George for Fuego, winning those two tribes a point.

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