Chapter 9

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Just as our kiss started to heat up, it was cut off by a knock on Ponyboy's door. This caused him to jump away and it made my chest hurt.

"Yes?" He called out, clearly trying to control his breathing.

"It's Soda, Steve and I are gonna run to the store before Darry gets home." he explained.

Pony went and opened the door, "Can you get me something?" he asked.

"I always do, Pone." he messed up Pony's already messy hair, "we won't be long." he said.

Pony smacked his brother's hand away, "Did two leave?" he questioned, leaning a little to look in the living room.

"Yea, he said he needed to be home for his sister or something. You guys be smart." Soda said, making eye contact with me. I felt my face heat up after I realized what he was insinuating.

Ponyboy also turned red as he shoved his older brother out of the room.

"Yea, Pony, be smart." I teased him after I heard the front door shut.

He smiled up at me and lightly hit me on the shoulder, "I am smart. Smart enough to know that you have to leave or I'm gonna do something dumb." he rambled on, not looking at me.

"What if I wanna do something dumb?" I asked, trying my best not to grab him and kiss him again. When he didn't answer I sat next to him, "We have the house to ourselves," I trailed off, watching his face get more red.

"Dal! Seriously, we can't do anything." This time I could tell he was being serious, so I dropped it.

"Alright." I said with a smile before kissing his forehead.


Later that night, Darrel got home before Soda and Steve got back from the store. I was sat on the couch with my right arm wrapped around a sleeping Ponyboy. He wanted to stay up to get whatever Soda bought for him.

"Dallas." Was all he said as he went straight toward his bedroom. I froze and looked at Ponyboy cuddling into my right side. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't without moving Ponyboy completely. I felt like I needed to explain to Darry what happened. After about five minutes, Darry left his room and went to the kitchen. He didn't even look in my direction, so I hoped that he thought it was normal behavior for Pony. I was starting to sweat and being glued to Ponyboy was making me even hotter.

Before I could think of anything to say or do, Darry cleared his throat from the kitchen. I almost flinched at the sound.

"You guys are together, right? Well, if you do anything to hurt him you best believe I'll hurt you back." Darry explained as casually as possible.

I just sat there without replying, I couldn't believe that he knew this entire time.

"Dallas." Darry called quietly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yea. I got it, Darrel." I said quickly, forgetting he was speaking to.

He continued, "I understand why you guys hid it from me, but I did notice how much happier Pony's been this last couple of weeks. As much as I'd rather it be with someone else, I'm glad it's someone I already know."

I let out a sigh of relief as I looked at Ponyboy, "Thanks, Darry. I know I've done some stupid, fucked up shit but I'd never do anything to hurt Ponyboy." I said slowly, making sure that he knew I meant every word I said.

"Some stupid shit?" Darry joked, his voice coming closer from behind me.

I laughed quietly, "Okay, a lot of stupid shit." I replied, "But I still meant what I said." I said to him with a serious look on my face.

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