Chapter 1: Junsu

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It's been half a year since that incident happened. Because the police never caught the other guy, Dad and I had to move to a different city for our safety. And today was my first day of school. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. This was going to be my first step back into moving on with my life since Mom's death, something that I was so sure was going to be impossible to pull off. I was wearing my new black and white school uniform and striped skirt. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun. I only put my eyeliner on and some lip gloss as make-up. I wasn't planning on standing out today. Besides, less friends, less drama.

I took my backpack, grabbed a sandwich for breakfast and rushed off to school. Dad was supposed to drop me off on my first day, but he was still asleep, and I didn't feel like waking him up.

The day of the incident we lost our laptops, my cellphone and some other household objects. But the hardest thing was losing Mom. Mom used to be so sweet and bubbly. She held our family together in every sense of the word. I was able to deal with the situation by simply ignoring to accept her death. It sounded ridiculous, I know. But it was all I could do. Planning her funeral was hard, but I put my emotions aside so that I could concentrate better on it, especially since Dad was having such a hard time doing it. But whenever I would start thinking about that moment when I saw her lying in a puddle of her own blood, I would hyperventilate. Sometimes I even lost consciousness. No amount of therapists were able to help me deal with that pain. Speaking of therapy, I also had to receive medical therapy for my back. It wasn't until last month that the pain finally started to subside. But any quick movements were still discouraged by my doctor.

I had nightmares for days on end after that day. But right now, I didn't want to think about all that. Not again. Right now, I had to walk to school, and I didn't have any idea where I had to go.

I asked a few of the local citizens for directions, and eventually I got there about an hour after I left my house. I was just on time. I went to the teacher's lounge to meet my new teacher. He was nice to me. He greeted me with a warm smile, shook my hands and introduced himself to me. Then he took me to my classroom.

I followed him in silence. He was holding his bag in his one hand and a few books with his other arm. I asked him if he wanted some help, and he smiled again at me. He handed me two of his books and thanked me. I smiled in response.

I was a bit nervous to meet my new classmates. After having remained in my room for four months straight, only leaving to get food or go to the bathroom once in a while, going out now to meet new people was definitely not what I wanted to do.

The teacher stopped in front of a classroom with 2-A written on the sign on top of the door, and I followed him inside. All eyes turned to me, and mine dropped to the floor out of shyness.

"Good morning students," the teacher said, "We have a new student as of today. Her name is So Young Zheng. She moved here a week ago, so treat her well." And to me he said: "There's only one empty seat left, in the back next to Junsu." He pointed to a guy who was seated in the back of the classroom.

As I started to approach him, he looked up at me. I stopped walking. I couldn't believe it. It was him! The same guy who took our bat! The same guy who helped steal our stuff! He was wearing glasses as a disguise, but I was 100% sure that it was him. I remembered his dark brown hair, and those sharp, brown eyes of his. He also seemed to have recognized me. His reaction, however, was way more extreme than mine. He stood up, picked the chair I was about to sit on and threw it against the nearby wall. The chair broke and fell to pieces onto the floor. Then he slung his backpack around one shoulder and just left the classroom.

It was silent for a few long seconds. But of course, soon enough the rumors started. The students all started asking each other what the hell had just happened. They wondered if we knew each other from somewhere. Even the teacher didn't know how to react. I sighed and decided to sit where he was sitting before, seeing as he had broken my chair.

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