crybaby (kryoz)

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john (kryoz) x reader


i had started to develop something for my roommate. everything about him was perfect.

"hey, (y/n)." john spoke. i walked into the kitchen, looking for some type of snack. i had finished a two hour stream and ending it early because of my undying hunger.

"what up eboy." i opened a cupboard, taking out a box of my favourite cereal. i didn't bother taking out a bowl or a spoon, i tried avoided household manners at all cost.

i could feel johns eyes all over me as i reached on the top of my toes for the box of unnecessary sugar and corn starch.

"no bowl?" john inquired, the sound of his chains flipped against each other. he probably feel asleep in them too. silly boy.

"when do i ever use a bowl?"

"when you go out and smoke with jay." i loved john's sassy attitude. all aspects about him could make anyone fall for him in a heart beat.

"shut up johnny." i laughed. "atleast i have friends."

"(y/n), you literally live with me. your bedroom is across from mine and jays is right next to yours. what's this talk about me not having friends?" john snarled back, crossing his arms. he was pretending to be angry and upset to get the point across but he probably couldn't given less of a fuck.

"yeah, you're right." i giggled back, throwing a price of cereal into the air and managing to catch it with my teeth. "you see this!?" i yelled, eyes wide and my finger pointing to the cereal between my teeth. john looked up from his phone, annoyed and nodded. maybe the façade wasn't fake. but how could someone get so mad over something stupid.


i sighed. swallow the cereal and decided to speak against johns childlike behavior.

"stop being a crybaby." i bluntly stated, no flavour to my voice.

"stop being a crybaby." he mocked.

i rolled my eyes. "atleast i don't spend all day up in my room."

"atleast i don't wake up at noon and get cereal."

"atleast im not tall." that was the best thing my mind could come up with in the hour of the moment.

"what type of insult is that? atleast im not short."

"atleast im not dumb." another great insult being throw at johns way.

"atleast i didn't develop a crush on my roommate."

"you what now?" i said, half shocked and half searching for flaws about the man infront of me. if i wasn't paying close attention perhaps that couldn't gone right over my head.

"shut up crybaby."

𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖋𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙 - 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now