He was trying to hurt me, make me feel bad, scare me.

It was the worse one ever.

I can't tell him about it!!! 

"Come on, sweetheart. You can do it." He said again.

"Try not to use your arms." He said again as I lift my head up to make it look like I was looking at him, but I was really listening for his voice.

"Trust me. There's nothing in front of you." He says.

I feel the courage to walk towards his voice and I did it and I didn't even lift my arms ONCE.

I felt his hand on my back, letting me know he was behind me.

"I did it!!! Daddy, I did it!!!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, you did. I'm so proud of you." He said.

"Your reward is your stick back." He said as he hands me my stick.

"Now, find the table and sit at it while I cook up some of my famous pancakes." He said again.

"Ok, daddy." I answered.

Well, I guess you guys are wanting a story about how I became blind?

Well, I can try to explain it.

Basically, daddy told me that mommy wasn't paying attention to me and she accidentally left me with an eye infection.

She wanted to fix it but it was already too late.

That's the story that daddy told me but he told me to never bring it up around mommy since she doesn't like to talk about it.

So I never did.

I've always kept it a secret, but sometimes I wonder... is that the real story?

I hear a plate get moved in front of me.

"Daddy?" I asked for him.

"Yes?" He said.

I asked to make sure he was in front of me.

"Wow, that was fast." I say.

"Well, I try to be." He says.

"So, why don't you tell me about this nightmare you had. Huh, sweetheart?" He said.

Uh, oh.

I can't tell daddy my nightmare was about him.

I don't wanna tell him either.

"Oh... um... I forgot about it." I lied.

He caught on.

"[Y/D/N], we both know you can't lie to us. You're too bad at it." He chuckled.

I was upset.

"Well, if you don't wanna say what it was about, could you at least tell me who was in it?" He asked.

"Well... um... Ok... you were in it." I said.

"W- what!?" He said.

He was freaking out, which was really rare for daddy to do.

"[Y/D/N], did I do something to make it a nightmare?" He asked.

"Um...-" I was interrupted by daddy.

"That's your lying "um"... [Y/D/N], don't lie to me. You will be punished if you do. Remember last time you lied to me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said sadly. 

I remember that day, too.

It was a stormy day but I really wanted to go outside because when I was seven that's all I wanted to do was play outside. So I went to ask mommy but she said no.

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