The Untold Truth

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Almost A Week Later...

I wake up to a phone call from Freddy's.


Could they be firing me!?

If so, what did I do wrong?

I answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, [Y/N]? Could you come into work early today. The day shift didn't show up and you seemed like a reliable employee." The phone guy said.

"Umm. I mean I could but will I still get paid like I normally do. Like, it won't be docked down or anything like that, right?" I asked.

"Tell ya' what... I will personally pay you twice as much if you come in for today." He answered.

"Wait! Really!? Awesome! Consider me clocked in... I'll be there before ya' know it!" I exclaimed as I hung up the phone.

I rush to get my [F/C] coat and run up to Springtrap.

He immediately notices me in a coat as I was ready to leave out the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"The place said if I come in today early then I can get a promotion!" I squeal.

"Oh, cool! See ya' later." He says.

Springtrap has been really stressed out lately and I know that he has a lot of paper work for the wedding but it seems like there was something else I didn't know about to be bothering him.

"OK! Love you!" I exclaimed as I ran out of the door.

Springtrap's POV

I wave bye to [Y/N] as I sit down and stress out.

It's not just the paper work... it's the fact that I still haven't told [Y/N] what I really am.

I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I don't have her with me.

If she leaves me I don't know what else I'll do.

All of a sudden, I see a little ghost girl come upon me.

Great more things to stress about.

I get frustrated.

"Don't you ever have anything else better to do, than annoy me?" I asked.

"You're working on paper work?" It asks.

"Yes, what else would I be doing?" I ask.

"Hmm, I dunno? Killing children?" The ghost asks sarcastically.

I growl.

A wise one, huh?

"Look, can't you see that I'm stressed out enough as it is!" I exclaimed.

"Why do you love [Y/N] anyway?" She asks.

"Why do you ask?" I ask.

"I dunno? Just wondering." She says.

I somehow lighten up to her presence.

She is one of the nicer ones, in fact.

"Well, it's hard to explain in words... I love everything about her... she's sweet... kind... beautiful... basically everything I could ever ask for." I try to explain, but since she is a child I don't expect her to understand.

"Okay, I'm gonna go find Miles." She says.

"Oh, is he the... small one?" I ask.

"Jee! Your memory's going! Maybe you should that checked out!" She says as she touches me nose.

Let Me Love You <<<(Springtrap and Deliah) Springtrap X Bullied Reader >>>Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt