The Pokemon Tower

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[Author's Note: Yup, the Pokemon Tower is so special that it gets another song! Enjoy!]
*Red's P.O.V.*
We were about to reach the top floor of the Pokemon Tower, were stopped by Team Rocket grunts at the one before the top. The both sent out their Pokemon; they had a Rattata and a Zubat. "Ya'll aren't getting past us!" on said.
"Let's just see about that!" Green fired back. Before he was able to send out a Pokemon, Leaf held his shoulder.
"I've got this, you and Red have to go on and find that Mr.Fuji! I'll hold 'me off!" Green nodded, signing that he would follow her orders.
"Let's go, Red!" I followed Green past the two grunts while Leaf sent out her Butterfree and Bulbasaur to fight the other monsters.
We ran up another long flight of stairs that seemed to never end. I should've stayed back to fend off those goons, Leaf could've came with Green. He could have protected her better than I ever could. I'm just the jerk who back stabbed her. She'll never be with me! I'm such a dumb ass! Why would I ever think that I'd ultimately end up with her? I'm just a loser who can't do anything right.
*Green's P.O.V.*
Whole running up the endless flight of stairs, I look back at Red who was looking down at his feet. Tears were slowly rolling down his eyes. This was probably about Leaf.
"What's wrong?" I managed to huff out. We stopped in our tracks.
"I don't want to talk about it," he muttered.
"Is this about Leaf?"
He didn't respond.
"Leaf still likes you."
His sparkling red eyes looked up at me from a lower step. "Really?"
I nodded. This was about her. He was legitimately upset. "Just show her that you love her."
"I can't."
I was so confused that all I could ask was, "Why not?"
"She probably hates me."
He had a point. That's what she told me earlier. "Don't pull yourself down. Red, you are such an amazing person. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my friend anymore. But being friends is more than just giving yourself to be there for them. It's also trusting that they can handle them self and be there for you. Red, don't hate yourself over another person. Don't worry. Everything will work out. Just let the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Individually, the pieces might not make sense and be confusing, but when they are all together, they become crystal clear. Full of detail. Beautiful. Red, your life is beautiful!"
Red took a few steps up, letting only one step be between us. He took the collar of my shirt and pulled it so my face was to his. He quickly put his lips on mine and we started to kiss. Red, the love of my life, was kissing me. I let go of his lips, not wanting to, knowing it was wrong. But it also felt so right. Everything was feeling, confusing.
"We should go find Mr.Fuji," Red blushed. I nodded, and we continued up the eternal staircase...
*Blue's P.O.V.*
I walked through the Pokemon Fan Club, looking at all the rescued Pokemon. All of them were happy. Except for one... A little Cubone.
"What's wrong with this one?" I asked to no one in particular .
A girl, supposedly one of the volunteers, came over to me and answered, "It's a sad story. Are you sure you want to hear it?" I nodded. "Well, about a week ago, Team Rocket was capturing many rare Pokemon to sell them off. This Cubone and its mother, Marowak, were fleeing. But when some Team Rocket grunts found them, Marowak fought back, so they were forced to kill her to take the less aggressive baby. Poor thing saw the entire gory thing. Mr. Fuji rescued it from those goons and buried its mother in the Pokemon Tower..."
"Those bastards!" was all I could say. "Cubone, let's go get revenge on those assholes!" Cubone looked up to me.
"It doesn't-"
I cut off the volunteer and carried Cubone out of the fan club...
*Leaf's P.O.V.*
Both Butterfree and Bulbasaur were exhausted. I didn't know how long they would be able to manage. Their Ratata and and Zubat were surprisingly strong. I was going to get screwed over.
"Zubat, use supersonic!"
The wave hit Bulbasaur. After ten tries at this, they managed to hit it! Bulbasaur fell asleep.
"Butterfree, go for a poison powder on that Ratata!" Butterfree's wings fluttered furiously, dispersing a fine purple powder. The Ratata dodged the powder and tackled Butterfree. She fainted.
"Heh. Look at that, George. We beat the girl. What should we do with her?"
"I would like to catch up, just leave me with her to chat." The other grunt left, leaving me alone with the one named George. I was confused about what he meant by 'chat'. That is, until he said, "Do you still have that hickey?"
It clicked. He was the guy from Mt.Moon that tried to get me to be with him. He bit my neck, sucking it, leaving a mark!
"So, how's life been, Leaf?"
"How do you know my name?"
"Let's skip the details and cut to the chase." George shoved me to the ground and he dropped his pants. "Here comes the choo-choo train! CHOO! CHOO! Open wide, Leafy!" He slowly had his private parts get close to my face. How the heck do I get myself into these situations! I punched his bare crotch and ran for the stairs. I have never felt so disgusted! I am so washing my hand when I get out of here!
*Red's P.O.V.*
Green and I finally made it to the top floor! We were stopped by some unknown force as we stepped into the room...

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