Chapter 24

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November 17th

It's 3am and Mylenah woke my up by screaming in her sleep. Right now I am trying to calm her down. It seems she had a nightmare. Well, that's what I am assuming anyways.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay, you're safe you're fine," I reassure her while her head is resting on my chest.

She is shaking mad. She hasn't said anything since I woke her up 5 minutes ago.

I quickly lift her head up and tell her I am going to grab her a glass of water.

I leave her room and quickly run downstairs to the kitchen and fill a glass with water.

When I return she is already asleep. I set the glass down on her side of the night table and climb back into her bed with her and wrap my arm tightly around her waist.

I hear her mumble something in her sleep and Ignore it and wait till I ear her soft snores and then I fall back asleep next to her side.





"What," I mumble.

"Wake up, get dressed, hurry." My father says to me.

I turn to my side and see no Mylenah next to me.

"Where is she?" I ask him.

"I don't know," he tells me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 'I don't know'" I scream at him.

"I honestly have no idea what happened to her." He tells me with sadness in his eyes.

"Check the video cameras around the house." I tell my own father.

"Mason is doing that right now," he tells me.

"Get out," I say.

"Excuse me?" He asks me.

"I need to change dad, just get out!" I tell him.

He nods and then leaves. How is she gone? She was by my side the whole time. Who took her? Did she leave in her own? No she likes me why would she leave me. She really likes me.

All these things were running through my head I didn't even realize I was dressed in her favourite sweater.


Mylenah's POV.

I woke up from another nightmare, but this time Rebecca didn't wake up with me. She was on the other side of the bed. I was breathing really bad. I went to grab my cup of water but it was empty? Okay.

I headed down the stairs to the kitchen. And I heard something outside. Probably just a tree hitting the house..

But then I remembered there's no branches of the trees near the house.

Before I could even realize that something was happening. Something was put over my mouth and I soon began to fade. All I remember was a bag going over my face.

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