No Regrets : myg, jhs

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You and Hoseok had been working on choreographing this routine for a week. You didn't have anything planned to perform at, you were just doing it for fun. You had both always been dancers. Although your background was in childhood ballet, you had taken an interest in hip hop styles around the time you met Hoseok, a skilled popper. But now that you were in college, Hoseok was a dance minor and you had no room in your academic schedule for it, so you were just having fun.

"I'm thinking of asking if we can perform together for my showcase at the end of the semester," Hoseok said as you straightened up, stretching your arms over your head.

"Really?" You asked, brightening.

"Yeah, it's listed as a solo, but like I don't see why it couldn't be a partner if I'm bringing someone and it's still choreographed by me and stuff. If you're interested, of course."

"Yeah, definitely," you assured him.

Yoongi worked as the two of you danced, his knees pulled up and notebook resting on them. He scribbled words down, sometimes frowning and crossing them out again, sometimes mumbling to himself to make sure it sounded right when spoken. Your best friend since childhood, he still only let you look at his lyrics sometimes, and occasionally asked you for input. If dance was your non-academic escape then songwriting was Yoongi's. Something he had always been passionate about but didn't want to turn into work so he spent all his free time on it instead.

He looked up occasionally, and he was watching when you lost balance and stumbled into Hoseok who easily caught you, his hands gripping your bare shoulders as the two of you laughed. Hoseok's eyes turned to the prettiest little crescents when he laughed like that, and you loved it more than almost anything. You had been friends with Yoongi for longer, but you were just as comfortable around Hoseok.

Hoseok's hand slid casually from your shoulder down your back to rest on your waist as you gripped his shirt, still laughing. Yoongi's eyes followed it's progress, watching Hoseok's fingers pressed to your skin, lingering after you had caught your balance.

"Sorry - I have it, I do," you insisted. "My shoe just caught."

"Sure you do," Hoseok teased, giving you a smirk.

"I do!" You insisted.

"Alright, show me then," he said, finally releasing you and stepping back. You huffed and tucked your hair behind your ears, focusing, and then launched into the sequence, executing it perfectly, no stumbling this time.

"See," you panted, holding the pose at the end. "I have it."

"She has it," Yoongi piped, watching from where he sat, his eyes trained on you. You grinned and he looked away, returning his focus to his notebook.

When you were done with your practicing you flopped down on the floor next to Yoongi, leaning down and pushing your head into his lap, totally disrupting his concentration as you laid down half on him. He huffed and held his notebook up, his legs falling as your head rested on them, his face glaring down at you.

"Hi," you said with a smile, your forehead damp with sweat from dancing.

"You're sweaty," Yoongi grumbled even as he repositioned himself to be a more comfortable pillow for you.

"You didn't stretch enough," Hoseok told you, grabbing your feet and picking your legs up.

"No!" You gasped, arms quickly reaching for Yoongi as Hoseok tugged on you. "I stretched, I'm done - nooo Yoongi don't let him take me," you begged, wrapping your arms around Yoongi's waist and holding tight as Hoseok pulled your legs again. Yoongi was giggling breathily, his hands holding your shoulders as you turned your head into his stomach. You inhaled his scent as you laughed, that very "home" scent of Yoongi that you knew as well as your own.

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