Chapter 11: The Marriage (final chapter)

Start from the beginning

"And back at the hotel, when we first saw each other after our 2nd encounter, I couldn't help but to feel something towards you. I fell in love with you. I truly love you, Luigi.

"You're the most special mortal that I've ever met. You have a beautiful soul. And I truly adore those things and much more about you, like your personality.

"So tonight, I ask you this important question that I've waited for years to ask you..." King Boo lowered himself down a bit. He pulled out a small box. He opened it and it had a beautiful diamond ring in it, showing it to Luigi. Luigi was starting to get extremely emotional.

King Boo continued. "Will you marry me, Luigi?" Luigi started to cry with joy and immediately hugged King Boo. "Yes! Yes I will!!" King Boo hugged him back. He soon put the ring on Luigi's ring finger. They both kissed in the night sky.


The wedding day has come. Mario and Polterpup were helping Luigi to get ready. "I'm so nervous..." Luigi thought. "I am too, Luigi. It's okay, Green Flower. Take deep breaths, okay?" He heard King Boo talking in his mind. He took some deep breaths, calming down some. "You're ready, Luigi?" Polterpup asked him. "Yeah, I am," he responded. "Come on, little brother. Go get married," Mario told him happily.

Mario walked Luigi down with being his best man. Once they reached to the end, Luigi stood besides King Boo, with Mario standing beside Luigi.

The Priest started to make the speech. "Friends, families, we're gathered here today for two loving souls to come together, Luigi Mario, and King Boo. These souls have started the peace of both Undead and Humanity kinds, and ended the dark war. If anyone is against them to be together, speak now or forever hold your peace." Absolutely no sound. Not a single word. He continued. "Alright, let's continue. King Boo, do you take Luigi as your loving husband, to care for and love everyday?" "I do," King Boo said happily. "Luigi Mario, do you take King Boo as your loving husband, to care for and love everyday?" "I do," Luigi said as he started to tear up. "Very well then, I pronounce Luigi and King Boo as husband and husband. You may now kiss the gloom."

Luigi looked at King Boo, shedding tears of joy. King Boo gently wiped his tears away. They both got close, and then kissed on the lips. Everyone cheered.


During the party, Luigi and King Boo were at their own table, enjoying their wedding cake together. They kissed each other time to time.

Soon, it was time for their slow dance. King Boo told DJ Boo to play the first song, then the second afterwards. He then offered Luigi his boo hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked. Luigi accepted his hand. "You may." King Boo lead Luigi to the dance floor. The first song played: "Home Sweet Home".

They started the slow dance. "Remember this song, Luigi? As this being our first dance together?" "Yeah, it was truly magical." "I'm really glad you enjoyed it, even though we were at different locations at the time." "Yeah, but we're always together, no matter how far apart we might end up being." "Heh heh, yeah." As the song ends, Luigi and King Boo kissed each other. Soon, the next song played: "Story Of My Life".

They slow dance to the song as well. "I remember dancing to this song. It was that night before Daisy's true death." "Yeah, it was..." As the song kept playing, Luigi hummed the chorus part. "You're part of the story of my life, my little Green Flower." "You're part of the story of my life, too, King Boo." At the end of the song, Luigi and King Boo kissed each other.


At home, Luigi and King Boo were cuddling with each other on the couch while watching a movie. They were also having hot chocolate with green flower cookies.

"King Boo?" "Yes, Luigi?" "Thank you... For everything." Luigi hugged him. King Boo hugged him back. "You're welcome, my little Green Flower."


Back then, in 2001, Luigi and King Boo never thought of falling for each other. They didn't think that they would actually get together. They only saw each as enemies and nothing else.

In 2013, where King Boo was trying to get his revenge, however, was on a different level a bit. King Boo was starting to feel something for Luigi, that he didn't know what it was back then. Luigi didn't felt anything towards King Boo, however. He was more focused on saving his brother, Mario.

But on that night at the hotel, however, that's where everything changed. That's where they started to feel something for each other, more than friends. They fell in love with each other. They thought it was never met to be. But they were wrong.

Ever since then, their live for each other has been growing stronger than ever. And even continuing to do so since the day of their marriage.


Many years later, on the day where Luigi died from old age and became a Boo, King Boo was visiting Luigi's grave when he heard a very familiar voice. He turned around to see Luigi as a Boo.

"Luigi? Is that you?" He asked him. Luigi flew straight into King Boo's arms and hugged him. King Boo hugged him back. "Not even death will tear us apart," Luigi told him.

King Boo was crying with happiness, happy to see that Luigi was back with him. Luigi wiped his tears away. "How about we go home?" He asked King Boo. "Okay, Luigi."

At home, King Boo and Luigi settled down on top of their bed. Luigi stayed in King Boo's arms. They started to French kiss.


Later on that night, King Boo and Luigi slow dance to their songs together. As the song end, they both kissed each other.

"Luigi?" "Yes, King Boo?" "I love you so much, my little Green Flower." "I love you so much too, King Boo." They both continued to kiss.

King Boo knew something for sure. Even in his afterlife, Luigi was, and always will be, his green flower.

}The End{

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