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Deku's POV
It's my first day at UA and I'm so excited. I wanna be the greatest hero of all. Even as great as All Might. I can only dream, I mean I have this power that's basically uncontrollable.

"Izuku time for school," I heard my mom call from down the stairs.

"Okay, coming!"

My mom handed me my lunchbox and backpack and I excitedly ran out the door.

"Have a good day!" I heard my mom call behind me.

I ran to school not paying attention of who was in front of me. That was my first mistake. I realized I was an inch away from crashing into Kacchan when I stopped and stumbled backwards.

"Oh, haha sorry Kacchan," I laughed nervously.

"Don't call me that nerd! How did a quirkless freak like you get into a school like this anyways!"

"Oh, umm." I don't want Kacchan to be mad, but All Might trusted me not to tell anyone. I guess I'll have to lie.

"Are you gonna answer me or not!"

"Oh, yeah, I guess I just outsmarted the robots"

"Hm, I don't believe you but I have better things to do. I won't forget this!"

Phew. That was close, way too close. I made my way to class and sat down taking note of all the people in the class. I noticed two people who weren't in the entrance exams. So, they must be the two people who were recommended. I started taking notes of my classmates in my journal until the bell rang.

Then I saw this caterpillar thing walk through the doorway. Who is he? I don't recognize him as one of the professional heros.

"So basically I'm your teacher, blah blah blah. There's an entrance ceremony but we're gonna be skipping that. Put on your PE uniforms and meet on the field."

Everyone did as he said even though we were all questioning it. When we were in the changing room I noticed myself looking at Kacchan every couple of moments. My face turned a light pink and felt hot as I stared at his bare chest not bringing attention to myself. I hurriedly finished changing and left the room not being able to get his body out of my mind. We went through the tests with me not doing so good and ending up last place. I trembled knowing I would be kicked out.

"Oh yeah, I was never gonna kick any of you out, class dismissed."

We changed back into our uniforms and started leaving the classroom.

*Time slip to the end of the school day*

I was walking out of class with my head hung low. I'll never be a hero. I'm so worthless with my quirk. I can't even use it.

I felt something hit my shoulder and knock me onto the concrete of the sidewalk. Then I hear Kacchan's voice.

"You should watch out nerd! You should just leave this school if not then I'll make it hell for you! Choose wisely, wouldn't want you to get hurt." He smirked evilly above me.

Bakugo's POV

Ugh why do I do this I already regret it. Then I hear Deku's voice which immediately makes it ten times harder for me not to just confess my love and take him away but I'm such a dick he would never love me.

"I won't let you stop me Kacchan. I want to fulfill my dream. I will become a great hero quirk or no quirk! And you can't stop me! So just leave me alone!"

3rd person POV

"I can't!"

"Why not!"

"Because it's either hurt you or do this."

"Do wha-"

Bakugo firmly pressed his lips against Izuku's. Izuku froze, not kissing back. Bakugo pulled away.

"Of course you don't like me I'm such an idiot." Bakugo left as quick as possible leaving a stunned Izuku wondering what the fuck just happened.

Bakugo ran into his house tears threatening to spill he slammed the front door then sprinted to his bedroom where he proceeded to slam that one too. He then let it out, the tears, the emotions, the hopes of having someone love him.

Bakugo suddenly stood up and rushed to his desk. He pulled out a small kitchen knife he took a while ago. He was trembling as he pressed the blade into his wrist until it drew blood. He did this three times on each arm. He went to the bathroom sneakily and cleaned his wounds as he wrapped them.

*Next morning on the weekend*

Bakugo was wearing a black jacket over a tank top to hide the fresh cuts that he'd later tell people that they were battle scars. He heard fast footsteps come up behind him. He quickly grabbed the shirt of the stranger.

He soon realized he had caught Izuku. He looked as if he'd been running all morning.

"Kacchan, *pant* I've been *pant* looking for you"


"I mean you kissed me yesterday, I thought you might be interested in, you know, a relationship"

"With you, ha like I'd be caught on a date with a quirkless nerd like you" Bakugo's mind was screaming at him.

Izuku teared up, slowly turned around, and the walked home small tears rolling down his face.

Bakugo's thoughts screamed at him. He stayed up all night thinking of what he had done. He ruined all chances of the best human to ever exist loving him.

*Timeskip to next morning*

Izuku was awaken by a knock on his door. He brushed his hair back with his hand and gently rubbed his eyes. He went downstairs and opened the door to see Bakugo standing in the door way looking like he hasn't slept since 1781. (For my Hamilton fans)

" Kacchan what are you *yawn* doing here this early*

Bakugo looked ready to burst into tears. "Umm, c-can I come in."

Izuku was surprised by Bakugo's kindness. Usually he would demand things.

"Oh, yeah, sure come inside"

Bakugo was standing there with baggy eyes, messy hair, and pale skin. Izuku still loved the sight of him.

"Look I wanted to say-"

A/N: Yeah I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I tried hard hopefully it's good. This is my first fanfic and I accept constructive criticism. I don't want people to make rude comments that don't give me advice to fix my mistake. Rude: This story sucks. Constructive Criticism: This part of the story was bland, can you put more action in it? Okay, Bye!

Word Count: 1094

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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