Chapter 7: The gift

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mewtwo floated in while ash was asleep and layed down...a i pad of was high tech stuff...with a note attached....when ash woke up he saw the i pad that was water proof...and fire proof....

" dear....ash...

look i'm not good at this so let me get to the point....

i'm sorry about being a little harsh with you....this is a  i pad that allows you to see your friends...through satlights.... also it lets you listen to music....and search the just doesn't call or text cause you


m2" ash read out loud....

ash gave a small he looked up misty to see....her with brock on a bus for some reason...."i wonder where there going...." ash said

after a bit of seeing his friends faces...ash listend to some music....

meanwhile...m2 was currently watching a pokemon game of sorts....

Unsafe! Cruel! World! ( MewTwo x Ash/Ash x MewTwo) ( Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now