Meeting The Parents

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Shawn's POV:
i've been with Camila for a few month's now and it's definitely time to meet her family she's already met and fell in love with my family now it's my turn. Her family had just flown to Toronto so Camila and I were on our way to pick them up.
Shawn: "babe i'm super nervous what if they don't like me,what if they think i'm not good enough for you." As I rambled
camila squeezed my hand and flashed me a smile.
camila: "babe don't be nervous my parents already love you and they only know what i've told them my mom is going to absolutely love you Don't worry ok?"
she kissed me on the cheek as I nodded. We just pulled up to the airport I don't think i've ever been this nervous i want to make the best impression. Because I love camila with all my heart, I don't want them to think i'm just another dick guy that's dating their daughter I hope this goes's well.
Camila's POV:
He's so nervous his practically sweating through his shirt. Poor thing. We parked the jeep and headed over to the G gate where we were meeting my mom,dad and little sister.
As we walked up Shawn grabbed my hand as we waited for there plane to land.
10 minutes later:
"CAMILA!!!!!" my little sister comes running up to me embracing me in a bear hug. A few seconds later my mom and dad came giving hugs and saying their hello's to Shawn and I.
Everyone took a bag and brought them to the jeep and headed home.
Shawn's POV:
The car ride home was great camilla sat in the back with the girls talking about girly things, while I sat with her dad witch absolutely terrified me when he brought up marriage. "So when are you going to pop the question?" he whispered as he patted my shoulder, all I could  do was nervously laugh my checks a new shade of rosiness.
"Son don't worry as long as you respect and love my daughter your a great guy in my eyes." He said with a tender smile, witch made me feel some much fucking better oh my god.
Camila POV:
We pulled up to the apartment complex, once we parked Shawn helped my dad get all of the luggage out and up to our apartment.
Shawn's POV:
"And welcome to our humble abode! We have a guest bed room for you Sinuhe and Alejandro."
Camila and Sofia came over "Sofia's on the couch haha." camila said. "wow what a sweet sister I have!" Sofia said as she rolled her eyes. "Girls." Sinuhe said shaking her head laughing.
Later that night:
Camila's POV:
"I'm starving!" Sofia says dramatically while she's sprawled out on the couch. " I could eat, where dose everyone wanna go?" shawn asked "hmmmmmm i'm not sure." I said as I curled up into his chest hugging him. "What about that cafe place you to are always going to?" my mom asked, Shawn and I laughed and smiled at each other because that's were we actually had our first make out session. He turned to me blushing saying " Yeah we can go i'll drive." shawn says,
with that we all head out to the Jeep.

• Part two coming soon!

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