Chapter Three: School Sucks

Start from the beginning

          I look between the bookshelves and finally find them. They were in the back corner near the window. Kara is sitting criss-cross on the couch. Her skirt barely hanging over the chair to cover her where her boots don't. Her hair falling in her face, from her ponytail, as she leans forward laughing. Ash is laying on the loveseat and clutching his sides as he laughs. His legs are bent, so he can fit without having to stretch out. His Vans pushed up on the arm of it to keep him from sliding. I raise a brow and clear my throat to get their attention. "What's so funny?" I ask them.

          Kara tries to explain, but she keeps giggling, so I can barely understand her. Ash holds up a finger as he tries to calm down. He coughs and wipes his eye like he's wiping a tear away. "Sorry Cas, it was just..." He trails off with a chuckle. "It was just something that just happened." He finally gets out.

          "So what happened?" I ask them as I take my bag off my shoulder and lay it beside the loveseat. I then sit down as Ash puts his legs over my lap. I look at them patiently waiting for them to finish.

          "Okay, okay, I'm good now," Kara says. "So Ashley, the cheerleader one, was sitting over at that table with her little squad." She tells me as she points at said table. "Well Demi, the dance captain, came over to talk to them about something probably club related," She says with a hint of a smile.

          "Well, things went sour about whatever they were talking about," Ash explains. "So Demi, says to Ashley 'at least my boyfriend doesn't call me a cow. He also doesn't talk about being bad in bed behind my back.' So you can shove it where the sun doesn't shine since we all know you like it.' While that is being said, the guy behind them was drinking something and did the biggest spit take on them both. Just this huge spray of his drink everywhere; it was amazing to see them run out shrieking about their hair and clothes. I thought the poor guy was choking with how hard he was coughing." Ash finishes the story.

           "Yeah, that is crazy and pretty funny, I had no clue Demi was so mean. I mean Emily is mean too, but girls don't need to beat each other up." I say while laying my head back on the couch. "Enough people get bullied without the popular people adding to it. This is college after all not high school; we're not little kids anymore." 

           "Not everyone has your kind, tender heart Cassie." Kara fixes her ponytail so her hair is out of her face. "Some people view this as a dog eat dog world, and that little display is a prime example just in a hilarious way."

          "Yeah Cas, you need to not be so tense about it and laugh some. You're twenty, not forty-two girl." Ash pats my hand that's resting on his leg. "But, I'm guessing math was just that bad."

          "No, math wasn't that bad." I sigh. "I ran into eerie Erin, literally ran into him, and I broke his project. He was so mad. I've done well at avoiding him this semester after what happened last year that this just makes me." I pause. "Ugh!" I don't know what else to say about the subject since I don't want to bring the mood down even more.

          "You ran into him? Was he waiting outside your class?" Kara asks me. Her whole demeanor changing to one of defense like a mother bear protecting her cubs.

          "No! No, he was just in the hall. He hasn't bothered me all semester because again I've hidden from him to just avoid all this, but I'm fine and will continue being fine." I reassure her with a smile. I should have just kept my big mouth shut. I think to myself with a sigh.

          "Good." They say in unison which makes me chuckle while they tell each other jinx over and over. 

          "You two should have been twins, I swear," I tell them as they make a face at each other in disagreement. "Now who wants to help me with advance calculus, so I don't flunk my midterm and Mr. Brown's class?" I smile innocently at them while Kara cringes and Ash sighs.

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