The Killer

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Hah! You thought I meant a cute guy that will kill a girl by his looks. No. I mean an actual killer. This was a request. Jeff. I'm using you for this. "WHAT?!! HELL NO!" "JEFF I FUCKING OWN YOU RIGHT NOW SO BOW DOWN MOTHER FUCKER!" *clears throat* we shall continue.
Ex: *stalking Jeff* "stop following me" "YOU CANT SEE ME"
Step 2: make yourself at home
Ex: *laying down just chilling* "Sonic EXE. keep an eye on her. She's your girlfriend" *blushes*
Step 3: knock him out (that is if your still alive)
Ex: "OH JEFF~~" "wha-" *knocks him out*
Step 4: take him home
Ex: *takes him to my room* H4H4
Step 5: lock him up
Step 6: don't get caught by your (boy) friend
Ex: *creepily tracing his scars* "SHADOW!" "fuck"
(Thanks for reading. I need to go. Sonic EXE is chasing me. AHHH)

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